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Friday, March 17, 2017

Breaking News: The U.S. secretary of state said a freeze of North Korea's nuclear program was not enough and warned of pre-emptive action

Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson ruled out on Friday opening any negotiation with North Korea to freeze its nuclear and missile programs and said for the first time that the Trump administration might be forced to take pre-emptive action “if they elevate the threat of their weapons program” to an unacceptable level.

Mr. Tillerson’s comments in Seoul, a day before he travels to Beijing to meet Chinese leaders, explicitly rejected any return to the bargaining table in an effort to buy time by halting North Korea’s accelerating testing program, which the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said on New Year’s Day was in the “final stages” of preparation for the first launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the United States.


  1. Won't sanction N Korea but he'll take part in a government that will sanction the American people

    1. I don't follow politics much so explain how he sanctioned me?

  2. Lets start a war with N Korea and send molly and the lib snowflakes. C O W A R D S

  3. An oil executive with no diplomatic experience is going to start a nuclear war with North Korea.

    1. No diplomatic experience? He was the CEO of a multinational corporation that operates in more countries than the State Department does.

  4. What and who are you talking about?

  5. 8:57 I believe they are referring to the budget cuts that will affect urban development programs as well as heating assistance for the poor and elderly, meals on wheels, etc. So no, it may not directly affect you.

    1. That is completely and totally FAKE NEWS.

    2. 918 your answer was to repeat CNN? Are you seriously watching mainstream media for the news? At this point I figured everyone went elsewhere and fact checked through YouTube. Wow is all I can say.

  6. Look up goggle it!look up the father of BMD an ex doobie brother Baxter..who wrote a paper for the Department defence! we are negotiating from a position of strength!! Dont you forget that. Make america great again!

  7. Yeah, when did Trump "sanction" us, and how? I'm following Trump closely and must have missed that.

  8. Google Jeff the skunk Baxter father of ballistic missile defense

  9. 12:37 are you really that ignorant? I will repeat-he has No Diplomatic experience. He was a frigging CEO of a business. How does that translate to diplomacy, government and politics.?

    1. He negotiated deals with dozens of countries. Mutually beneficial relationships require the diplomatic relations that Tillerson has cultivated and used in business for decades.

      You think a former first lady has such a resume? No wonder Hillary and her foreign policy positions were abject failures. Maybe Mr. Theresa Heinz? LOL

      We've a master negotiator as Sec of State. It's about time.


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