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Monday, March 13, 2017

Bongino: Trump ‘Not Secure’ in the White House

A former Secret Service agent who served in the security details of both Presidents Bush and Obama warned on Saturday that President Donald Trump “is not secure in the White House right now as it stands.”

Dan Bongino, who was also an instructor at the training academy of the Secret Service, was commenting on Friday night’s reported breach of the White House complex, at least the seventh such incident in recent years.

Bongino stated: “If one guy with a backpack and Omar Gonzales with a bad knee could get near the residence of the White House, can you tell me with a straight face that a forty-man tactical assault team with heavy weapons wouldn’t take that place down?”

Bongino was referring to a 2014 incident in which Gonzales penetrated the north portico doors of the White House, reportedly brandishing a three-and-a-half-inch folding knife in a back pocket.

“This is inexcusable,” Bongino said of the latest incident. “How many of these are we, as the citizenry, going to tolerate, whether under Barack Obama or now President Trump, before there is enough citizen outrage that the Secret Service actually does something?”

More here


  1. Perfect solution -- build a real wall around the W.H.

  2. chicken little, dan's always warning us about something that's never going to happen. so when does being a former kop mean we have to listen to his drivel? your 15 mins are long past!
    Go away!

  3. If you read the story, this shows you not only how stupid the media is, but how they twist things to make you feel or think a certain way... In the first few statements, The person reporting or typing this up, say that a Omar Gonzalez was brandishing a 3-inch pocket knife in his back pocket... I am not a rocket scientist, but doesn't brandishing mean to openly show or to wave around or to use in an violent or aggressive manner? How can you brandish something that is in your pocket??? That would be called carrying something in your pocket, or he had something in his pocket... Or had a knife on his person...


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