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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bernie Sanders To Introduce Medicare For All Bill!


  1. While I don't agree with this guy that we should have universal health care in this country, I have to admit that he could give the MSM lessons in how to report a story!

  2. The evil encroachment of communism.

  3. He pays less taxes then I do and he makes 3x more. He is no longer allowed to speak. Lying conman.

  4. Medicare only works because we have five people paying in for every one person taking out. Under Bernie's plan we would have five people taking out for every four paying in. How long would that work?

  5. I lost all respect for "Uncle Bernie" after it was reported he bought a $600,000 lake front home the week after he conceded and endorsed hiliary.

  6. He donates LESS money to charity then the average middle class does. He is a hack and has been exposed.

  7. Communism is not the same thing as Democratic Socialism. Google them and read the difference. BIG difference.

    Are you ok with trump paying no taxes? Or is it ok for trump to take advantage of tax laws but not Bernie. He obviously wasn't cheating or he'd have been audited.

    How would that work, four paying in but 5 taking out? Are you an economist because they point out how much money we would all save in a Medicare for all or single payer program.

    He sold an inherited house and used the money to pay for the vacation house. How many houses does trump have? How many houses does W have? It's ok for other people to have money, right? They've worked hard their whole life, or they've inherited money from daddy, but because Bernie is a politician, he must be a con?

    Not all charity support has to be financial. Some people give of their time. Volunteering, serving on a board, connecting people - these are all ways to support a charity without giving money. How much do you give?

    Try not to be so judgemental. You'll be much happier.


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