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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Baseball Team Combines Krispy Kreme Doughnut, Hot Dog, Bacon & Jelly To Create Our Nightmare

Delaware’s minor league baseball team partnered with Krispy Kreme to debuted a doughnut-hot dog hybrid today.
Last year, San Diego County Fair vendor, Charlie’s Chicken, introduced the world to the triple cheeseburger on Krispy Kreme buns. While just looking at photos of the sandwich made our arteries cry for help, a minor league baseball team in Delaware is giving the restaurant a run for its money by taking consumers’ other favorite summer food, hot dogs, and creating the Krispy Kreme Donut Dog.

The Wichita Eagle reports that the Wilmington Blue Rocks partnered with Krispy Kreme to construct what basically amounts to a pork-flavored jelly doughnut.

The Krispy Kreme Donut Dog (not its permanent name) is comprised of a ballpark hot dog nestled inside a donut, topped with bacon and raspberry jelly.



  1. Oh, my. I was thinking about dinner before seeing this. Now I'm not.

  2. This is not Delaware. Kansas.

  3. I'll try one. (map)

  4. From what we have been told, looks like instant heart attack.

  5. Help me Spock....HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sounds good to me!


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