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Sunday, March 05, 2017

AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

On Tuesday evening, President Trump spoke to a joint session of Congress – and gave what was obviously the best speech of his career. The best moment was obvious, too: his tribute to the widow of Navy SEAL William ‘Ryan’ Owens:

Trump stated:

We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of a U.S. Navy special operator, Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens. Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero — battling against terrorism and securing our nation. I just spoke to General [Jim] Mattis, who reconfirmed that, and I quote, “Ryan was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemies.” Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity. For as the Bible teaches us, there is no greater act of love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country and for our freedom — we will never forget him.

As his widow wept and mouthed to heaven, “I love you, baby,” Trump led a round of applause that lasted minutes.



  1. at that moment, I realized how lucky we were that Her-Royal-Lieness wasn't giving the speech.
    I'm so proud that HE's our POTUS. I hope he can deliver on some of those promises. Now it get's thrown into the dysfunctional, slow moving glacier we call Congress.

  2. Debbie wasserman-shultz is a nasty,crooked piece of trash.

  3. Shame the Democrat women don't relay to their base that what Trump proposes will make all women's lives much better. Instead they choose to mislead women with fear and hate-mongering. Oh. Wait. It's the Democrats. That alone explains everything.

  4. Love it when democrats put themselves on display for all to see. Go TRUMP!

  5. These are filthy, little people.Although I do not believe President Trump will be a great leader, these people make me sick.

  6. Why hasn't Wasserman-Schultz been taken before an ethics board for her role in the election fraud?

  7. 1008 - you forgot SMELLY and SLIMY....She's a very smelly and slimy waste of a human being!

  8. Par for the course for those DEMON-CRATS !!!

    Should make Everyone in America HATE them all the more !!!

  9. Wasaman-Shultz is simply not right in the head. Anyone who will not show respect for the widow of a fallen American soldier has no business representing citizens or receiving a paycheck from the American government.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 1, 2017 at 11:53 AM

    Trump is a Genius. Not only he had his best speech ever, but he put the spotlight on those Crooked Slimey Democ-rats and It Showed What POS They Really Are. Here are the Traitors:
    COCKER-SPANIEL Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    QUEEN Nancy Pelosi
    POCAHANTAS Elizabeth Warren
    FRAUD AL Franken
    SCHMUCK Chuck Schumer
    The Rats of Democ-rat Party on full display.

  11. Demon-crats should be Thrown out of congress

    Their Disrespect deserves Punishment !!!

  12. Send everyone of those women in white dresses where Mr. Owens was...give it about 30 minutes ... problem solved!

  13. These damn Arrogant Demoncrats and Protestors should Not
    be Tolerated

    They Have No place in office since they Disrespect our
    Christian Soldier Heroes (who, without them, were would we
    ALL be ? > DEAD > that is where )

    These Spoiled Rottons in this country should make you Sick !

  14. This is such an embarrassment to the human race! Democrats or not, the sacrifices made by our military veterans deserve respect. There is no excuse to behave like this. I hope that every single one of their voters sees this and become so upset that they choose to get them out of office as they are in no way representatives of how humans should respect each other.

  15. The Demon-crats are TRAITORS !!! Now they are Exposed !!

  16. The Demon-crats OWE a BIG Apology on Nat'l TV !!

    Worse Thing They could have Done / Un-Excusable

    The NEWS should Not let this go under the rug !!!

  17. Shumer > His name should read Sceamer !! Scammer !!

    He thinks he is President and Pelosi is Vice President !!

  18. Elison the MUSLIM go figure.?

  19. Debbie three names has no shame or she would have stayed home.
    Al Franken in a deep sleep. Woke up to clear out though.
    To me both parties are Americans. They should try to do the right thing for America and their bosses, the taxpayers. That goes for all, no matter which party is in office. We need another November to thin congress out like the last go round. Change partners on the contract, run them the hell away from the government trough. They are fat enough.
    Thank you President Donald J. Trump!

  20. They embarrassed themselves and don't even know it.

  21. Why isnt this on the news ?

  22. Anyone who is a registered democrat should change your party affiliation. If you have any sense of decency the above pictures should make you ashamed to be a democrat. This is why the democrats lost...but even they are too stupid to see it.


  23. The leaders of the party that founded the KKK were out in full force last night. They just provided telling footage for their next electoral opponent. Sad, sad, sad.

  24. Exactly 6:20 only thing missing on those white shrouds was the HOODS.

  25. I remember something similar done by President Obama and remember all individuals standing?

    Why the difference? The answer is the dems do not care about the country or people only a volte so they can line their pockets.

    we need term limits


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