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Friday, March 31, 2017

An Angry Freedom Caucus Responds To Trump's 2018 Threat

Update: Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador has just chimed in with his own tweet advising Trump to "remember who your real friends are...we're trying to help you succeed."
The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!
@realDonaldTrump Freedom Caucus stood with u when others ran. Remember who your real friends are. We're trying to help u succeed.

After Trump drew 'first blood' this morning with a tweet threatening to fight Freedom Caucus members in the 2018 mid-term elections, a pair of House representatives have fired back with aggressive tweets of their own implying that Trump's healthcare plan was evidence that he had "succumb to the D.C. Establishment."

"It didn't take long for the swamp to drain @realDonaldTrump. No shame, Mr. President. Almost everyone succumbs to the D.C. Establishment."

".@realDonaldTrump it's a swamp not a hot tub. We both came here to drain it. #SwampCare polls 17%. Sad!"



  1. Trump is a Bully. Always threatening people trying to scare them whenever he doesn't get his way. That's how a Dictator acts, not a US President.

  2. These were the ones backing Trump during the campaign. Ryan and these others were not for Trump. I thought Trump was smarter than this. Ryan and his group should have presented the bill that they gave to Obama with 100% Republican agreement. Trump has changed with the idea he gets his way and his campaign promises but no one else can. Ryan is the downfall of Trump and will make him a one term President.

  3. QUESTION why does Sean Spicer do daily press briefings ? its ALL Anti trump POS .

  4. Trump is NOT a bully, he's been duped by Paul Ryan and the rest of the RINO's. At some point I pray he gets it, hopefully soon.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Trump is NOT a bully, he's been duped by Paul Ryan and the rest of the RINO's. At some point I pray he gets it, hopefully soon.

    March 31, 2017 at 4:31 PM

    You are correct.

  6. Anonymous said...
    QUESTION why does Sean Spicer do daily press briefings ? its ALL Anti trump POS .

    March 31, 2017 at 3:52 PM

    Why shouldn't he? That's what we elected Trump for, Transparency.

    He has to do press briefings daily to keep the MSM honest.

  7. I hear that Trump is a master at making deals and his book "art of the deal" is so great. Why is he allowing Ryan to be the one destroying everything? Pres Trump needs to find someone neutral to chair these negotiations. I did not think Trump could be duped so easy by a con-artist such as Ryan. Trump should know that attempting intimidation is like going the wrong way down a one- way street. Compromising has to be done equally by all parties involved. Any intelligent person that has been involved in negotiations should know that compromising is a show of strength. It shows you are confident in yourself.


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