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Friday, March 03, 2017

All parties negligent in 2013 fatal Accident On 113

A Worcester County Circuit Court jury took less than 45 minutes last Thursday to find all parties negligent in the fatal Nov. 8, 2013 accident on Route 113, where State Police Trooper Nicholas Hager ran into teenagers Tymeir Dennis and Tyheim Bowen with his unmarked patrol car.

No damages were awarded to the plaintiffs, who filed suit against the State of Maryland in September 2015.

Dennis, 16, did not survive the crash. According to the investigation report, he suffered massive injuries to his head, back and other areas of his body.

Bowen, 17 at the time of the incident, had a leg amputated because of his injuries. He suffered a broken leg, dislocated right knee, fractured pelvis, a cut on his lower right leg and abrasions on his right arm.

He was transferred to Peninsula Regional Medical Center on the night of the accident and later moved to Shock Trauma.

No criminal charges were filed against Hager, 21 at the time of the incident, and he returned to duty on Nov. 12, 2013 — four days after the crash. Hager had only been a trooper for one year at the time of the crash.



  1. Expect riots and looting!

    They should have at least looked up the road and smiled!

    1. That was a very crude and inappropriate comment.

  2. Anonymous 10:46 your ignorance is satanic! A child's life was loss in a horrible accident. Negligent or not..A LIFE WAS LOST! Where is your compassion? Praying that God touches your heart and heal your evil mind.

  3. I am not sure i understand what he officer could have done to avoid the accident...any one care to enlighten me?

  4. The article didn't give a location except Rt. 113. Is that the accident near Flower St in Berlin or in Pocomoke?

  5. Tragic, yes - but also stupid.

    Crossing a barely lit highway on foot at night wearing dark clothing makes you eligible for the Darwin awards.

    Like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown - did something stupid, paid the price...shouldn't be glorified!

  6. I'm sure the officer did not do this on purpose. Very tragic for all involved. The victims were obviously not paying attention or dressed to be seen at night. The officer probably couldn't stop by the time he realized what was going on.

  7. I would hope that a non-LEO would get the same 'pass' on a similar tragedy - for the same reasons!

  8. if State troopers would acitvate their lights exceeding the speed limit, this may not have occurred.....but normally they operate their vehicles; marked or unmarked bw 80 to 100 miles and hour or more.....in addition to that....the Berlin Barracks Rookies will come up on your vehicle with that excessive speed in a attempt to get ypu to sway your vehicle, and than they can say your drinking and THAN ACTIVATE THEIR LIGHTS....search your car illegally, ect....

  9. 12:31 Berlin. Northbound 113 just a few feet north of the Assateague Rd intersection.

  10. didn't expect anything less when kops investigate kops did you?


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