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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Agree or Disagree?


  1. Yes, if the parents are in the country illegally then the child should not become a citizen strictly because it is born here. The parents are illegal.

  2. If you broke the law to get in the US, here illegally, then you or your family members get no reward. Same thing for those who schedule vacations for child birth should not be rewarded.

  3. 8:01, Absolutely agree. Yes end it.

  4. nah - I love the mysticism that has overtaken common sense.

    St. Patties Day is oh so near!

  5. Yes, they cross the border in order to have their child here. Then it becomes a free pass for housing,food,medical, schools,etc.

  6. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. If you are born here, you are a citizen. So what do you suggest? Your parents have to be born here? What about their parents? You people are so entrenched in your rhetoric that you lose all perspective. Think about what you are saying before you actually say it. Geesh.

  7. Yes. I agree 100% with 8:01 pm

  8. No, but we need to go back to the original definition. Both parents need to be naturalized citizens before the child is automatically a citizen.

  9. Y E S LOng Overdue >> Common sense !!!

    This will stop the crap and save the USA Millions !!!

  10. You born here...you still FROM > where You Came from !!!!

    Not from here !!! = No Benefits = See Ya !!!

  11. It should be noted that many Europeans, of all nationalities, have overstayed throughout our history, and have been pardoned- because they contribute to our society. The same holds true for our illegal friends from the south. Vetting, vetting, vetting.

    1. How many illegal friends have you taken in?

  12. 8:25, That's not what the Constitution says. How many other countries in the world allow 'born here,ok you're a citizen.' So you go to Germany for an Oktoberfest vacation and your baby is born there. Does that make your baby a German? "Geesh'

  13. Birthright citizenship is the result of a false interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment. It was never intended to apply to the children of foreign citizens. No other country allows it.

  14. I am 8:06 pm, and I misread the question. My answer is a definite YES!

  15. Yes and every citizen must serve 4 years in a branch of the military after graduating high school!

  16. END ALL Immigration > Many Problems SOLVED !!!

    We don't OWE the world Anything ...they OWE the USA !!!

    WE need ROOM here for our future generations to be and it
    is Already Overcrowded in USA now !!!


  17. Must be changed: Suggestions.

    Born to two US citizen parents = citizen

    Born to one US citizen and one non-citizen with Green Card = dual citizenship, with opportunity to select US citizenship exclusively at age 18 by filing for free with local court during month 18th birthday occurs. Failure to file = loss of US citizenship.

    Born to non-US citizen parents = foreign national; rules of their countries govern, but our default view is child is citizen of oldest parent's country.

    Two Green Card parents = Green Card for kid and opportunity to pursue naturalization process. Process must be completed by age 23 or remain Resident Alien.

  18. Yes, unless at least one parent Is a naturalized citizen- not just a green card or visa. It is an outdated idea and should be changed. Might be a popular attempt for POTUS. But will need 2/3 of congress to pass. Good luck with that. Shit, they'll fight over giving free turkeys to the needy on thanksgiving!!!

  19. 8:25. Not sure you get it. Let's use an analogy: if I break into your house, move my family in, do I get squatters rights to stay? Your comment insinuates that, even if it's done illegally, the end result is legal.
    Bank robbers should be able to keep all the stuff they buy with the money they stole, right?
    The law was written at a time when our country was encouraging births, hence citizenship in our newly formed country. Not the case any longer. Put your liberal thinking aside for a second and think about your comments and how absurd it sounds.

  20. Absolutely and everyone should contact their representatives about their feelings.

  21. 11:34 really thought this one over and has some very viable solutions. May want to send this to Kelly Anne.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Yes and every citizen must serve 4 years in a branch of the military after graduating high school!

    March 13, 2017 at 9:50 PM

    I 100% agree 9:50PM but it's not that easy. So many who are willing to serve are going through endless (up to 2 + years) BS from the reject military doctors, hired by the Dept of Defense, at MEPS! Sadly nobody will do anything about it!! Our local representatives don't even give a crap about what's going on.

  23. 9:32, why don't you read the constitution? And while you're educating yourself, look up "jus soli." Just because European countries don't do it, doesn't mean it isn't United States law. If you want the U.S. born children of illegal immigrants to be denied citizenship, you will have to change the law and/or the Constitution.

  24. 2:56 Read 9:40. The fourteenth amendment had to do with former slaves... It doesn't apply to illegal immigrants or legal immigrants for that matter.

    A corrupt judge made a ruling that has yet to be overturned.

  25. Yes.....and keep the baby's mumma and dad-d out of here to start with if illegal. Seems like we the people have forgotten or don't even get what illegal means anymore.

  26. Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Yes!!

    Get rid of the Mexicans and Muslims and stop letting them in this country.

    I am getting sick and tired of hearing "we are all immigrants." Guess what? We came over here to start a new country and we did just that. It is our country and we have a right to stop foreigners from coming to our country.

    I am also sick and tire of paying for these anchor babies and these freeloading mooched to have their babies and then to house them and feed them at our expense.

    It's time to go to war with anyone that thinks I owe someone a free ride and let's start with the liberal politicians.

  28. Th 14th Amendment which is the basis for Birthright Citizenship was passed to protect former slaves that were going through emancipation immediately following the Civil Rights, it was passed by the Republican Controlled Congress to protect the Civil Rights of these former slaves.


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