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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

After Its Voter ID Law Was Ruled Unconstitutional, Arkansas Passes a New One

Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a bill into law Friday aimed at resurrecting many of the requirements of a voter-identification law that was struck down by the Arkansas Supreme Court in 2014.

House Bill 1047, by Rep. Mark Lowery, R-Maumelle, will require voters to show photo identification before casting ballots. It also will require the secretary of state's office to issue free photo identification cards to those who lack other acceptable identification.

A new provision -- not included in the old law -- allows people without photo identification to sign a sworn statement saying they are registered in Arkansas. By signing that statement, they will be allowed to cast provisional ballots to be verified later.

"I've always supported reasonable requirements for verification of voter registration," Hutchinson said in a statement. "This law is different -- in a number of ways -- than the previous law, which was struck down by the Supreme Court. It should hold up under any court review. For those reasons, I signed the bill into law."



  1. ID is one thing BUT how about proof of citizenship?

  2. How about a minimum I.Q test? There won't be any libtards that qualify

  3. ***It also will require the secretary of state's office to issue free photo identification cards to those who lack other acceptable identification.***
    I don't understand why this is so difficult.


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