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Saturday, March 04, 2017

ACLU Representatives Discuss 'Immigration and the Muslim Ban' March 6

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University’s Political Science Department hosts the discussion “A Conversation with the ACLU: Immigration and the Muslim Ban” 5 p.m. Monday, March 6, in Conway Hall Room 156.

American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland Staff Attorney Sonia Kumar and Legal Program Administrator Amy Cruice speak on the role the ACLU is taking regarding immigration and the ongoing controversy regarding President Donald Trump’s proposed travel ban.

A question-and-answer session with the audience follows. Refreshments will be served.

For more information call 410-543-6430 or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.


  1. LOL well the first problem is.... it was not a muslim ban. But that pretty much sets the tone of the discussion now doesn't it.

  2. Hey ACLU take a one way ticket to Iran u pos.

  3. "the role the ACLU is taking regarding immigration and the ongoing controversy regarding President Donald Trump’s proposed travel ban."

    Excuse me? Does anyone know what the A stands for in ACLU? It's AMERICAN. The discussion is not about AMERICANS it's about Foreign VISITORS.

  4. The ban isn't specifically on Muslims, but a TEMPORARY ban on people from countries with high levels of anti-U.S. terrorist activities and support, regardless of their religious affiliations.

  5. What a bunch of crap. Its clear bt the write up how they feel. Only liberal cry babies have opposition to keeping americans safe. It will be liberals talking to liberals who in my opionion are anti american. I support our President Trump and all his efforts to keep us safe!!! Dumocrats are so stupid its hard to understand.

  6. Even though the actual facts are as you say, 2:27, the narrative being promoted is a 'Muslim Ban', right or wrong.

    If you say it loud enough, long enough and often enough...

    (PS-- These people are attorneys. They know what they are saying.)

  7. Pro Trump supporters need to show up and put the ACLU in their place.

  8. Maybe the conservatives should protest and shout them down like the liberals do to conservative speakers time and time again and get away with it.


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