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Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Message From Governor Larry Hogan

Wednesday the Senate had an opportunity to move forward on our nonpartisan redistricting reform proposal. They failed to do so.

Instead they are pushing a bill that is nothing more than a political ploy designed to give these politicians the appearance of supporting redistricting reform, while ensuring it never actually happens.

If the same senators truly support free and fair elections and ending the unconstitutional practice of gerrymandering, they would support it in their own backyard, regardless of what happens in other states. Maryland voters are too smart to be duped by this legislative trick.

The list of Senators who voted to stop our bill are listed below. Call these legislators, and let them know you support real redistricting reform =>http://bit.ly/MDLEGCONTACT


  1. Appears Mathais voted as he was told by the O'Malley Miller old boys

  2. and Hogan refused to support his own party's up ticket thinking he wouldnt alienate these folks. Welcome to politics Mr Hogan. Spent that political capital and got squat for it. What goes around ..

    Had much higher hopes for you

  3. I will be voting with my feet as soon as i can dump my house

  4. Mathias is the biggest pice of s--- that has ever been elected from the shore. Bring on the next election!

  5. Mathias needs to go
    He is chicken shit when it comes to the big votes.

  6. Can't wait to vote against Mathias in the next primary.

  7. Mathias is a Judas.

  8. Mathias does not represent the interests of the average citizen on the shore. He never has. When he was Mayor of Ocean City his allegiance was to the developers, contractors and realtors that were pushing over-development and the elimination of the blue collar resort town image. When a politician consistently votes against his constituents interests it is up to those constituents to elect someone that will.. It is time to retire Jim Mathias.


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