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Monday, March 13, 2017

A Judge Just Rejected the ACLU's Demand For $231K From Kim Davis

Remember Kim Davis? She was the county clerk in a small town Kentucky town who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples back in 2015, citing her Christian beliefs.

Davis spent six days in a county jail for contempt of court after refusing to perform job duties that conflicted with her religious principles, a move that earned her a place in the national spotlight, a meeting with Pope Francis, and best friend status with former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.

To respect the religious beliefs of clerks like Davis, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin later signed an executive order amending the state’s marriage licenses to no longer include a clerk’s name. And while her deputy clerks still issued marriage licenses to gay couples, Davis was ultimately exempted from doing so, provided she didn’t interfere with their work.

But the fact that gay couples could now legally obtain licenses from others in the courthouse wasn’t enough for the ACLU, who represented four of the six gay couples who were denied a marriage license by Davis before her incarceration.



  1. Common Sense with your CoffeeMarch 13, 2017 at 12:13 PM

    The ACLU has become more of a dissident group, inciting sedition than anything to do with Civil Liberties. Time to defund this nefarious group and send them packing. They can do fundraisers to fund their nonsense instead of living off the taxpayers' tit.

  2. The ACLU is scum.
    Tried to destroy her and couldn't do that, so now they want to drive her into bankruptcy by filling their own pockets.

  3. Send all the ACLU lawyers to the muslim countries along with all the illegal immigrants. Let them see how they like it there

  4. Just in case your readers don't know about the ACLU; they are a COMMUNIST group designed to stop ALL semblance of Christianity as we know it and as the 'founding fathers' knew it...They will try to take down any vestige of our Judeo/Christian foundation...

    We the People should be aware of this as they have been around for Many years.


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