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Thursday, March 23, 2017

A British man, Khalid Masood, 52, carried out yesterday's attack in London, the police said

ISIS has claimed responsibility.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility on Thursday for the deadly attack outside the British Parliament, as Prime Minister Theresa May described the assailant as a British-born man whom the country’s domestic intelligence agency had investigated for connections to violent extremism.

The London police identified him as Khalid Masood, 52, who had a long criminal history but no terrorism convictions. He had been living recently around Birmingham, England, where the vehicle used in the attack was rented. The police released few other details about him.


  1. So where is this POS PIC ????????????????????????
    Covering up bc he aint white Cnn BBc .

  2. And yet trump is the intolerant one?

  3. I love the way the press describes islamic terrorists as a "British man", "French man", or a "German man" in a poorly constructed effort to disguise the fact that they are muslims! Regardless of the country in which they were born, they are first and foremost muslims!!

    1. England especially birmingham is Full of Radical muslims and i would Not be suprised if they dont get hit like this again in a bigger scale ...the british news stated normally those cops carry guns around high profile areas but LAST WEEK they where taken Away from them ?

  4. Not Khalid!!!! Dang, he and the rest of the Massoud's are a good, god-fearing bunch!

  5. Follow the $$. Or, in his case, the ££.

  6. Investigation with no action leads to death!!

  7. Now there saying there was a explosion 1 mile from the attack.

  8. A British man, Khalid Masood,

    No he is not a British man he is a Muslim.

    And to be honest all these liberal countries deserve what they get for letting these Muslims in their countries. America included.

    ALL Muslims want to kill Christians!! Wake up or get over it.


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