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Sunday, March 12, 2017

65% of Docs are getting cash "kickbacks" from Big Pharma

(Natural News) Two-thirds of Americans are currently in the care of a physician that is being paid by a drug company, and they may not even realize it. A study conducted byGenevieve Pham-Kanter, Ph.D., surveyed more than 3,500 adults and linked their doctors to data from Open Payments, a government website that reports pharmaceutical and device industry payments to physicians.

The results of the study revealed that about 65% of the people surveyed had visited a doctor within the past year that had received payments or gifts from pharmaceutical or medical device companies. Even more shocking is that only 5% knew that their doctors had been given these incentives. Patients who were visiting an orthopedic surgeon or OBGYN doctor were shown to have the highest percentage of being under the care of a physician receiving some kind of incentive. Pham-Kanter said, “Patients should be aware of the incentives that their physicians face that may lead them to not always act in their patients’ best interest. And the more informed patients are about their providers and options for care, the better decisions they can make.” (RELATED: Get all the news Google is trying to hide from you at Censored.news)

The Open Payments website is a federal program that collects information about payments drug and device companies make to physicians in the form of travel, research, gifts, speaking fees, and meals. It also includes any ownership interests that doctors or their immediate family members may have in these companies as well. While most physicians receive payments averaging about $193, it does add up over time. Between August 2013 to December 2015 Genetech, Inc. ,the maker of drugs such as the allergy drug Xolair and anti-viral drug Tamiflu, made payments totaling $727 million to doctors and research hospitals.



  1. There's a news flash!!! I heard local cardiologist Steve Hearn stating the other day that if locals would just cut back on some of their personal choices they would be able to afford the many prescriptions they are prescribed. Let's not forget the 100,000 annually these extortionist receive from big pharmacy, maybe if they abolished this built in gratuity prescriptions wouldn't be so expensive

  2. There's a news flash!!! I heard local cardiologist Steve Hearn stating the other day that if locals would just cut back on some of their personal choices they would be able to afford the many prescriptions they are prescribed. Let's not forget the 100,000 annually these extortionist receive from big pharmacy, maybe if they abolished this built in gratuity prescriptions wouldn't be so expensive

  3. News flash--People here on the Shore have the worst habits--poor eating, smoking, drinking, obesity is out of control...Doctors don't get anything close to $100K per year---how about a lunch delivered--$10.00 maybe

    Personal responsibility is lacking everywhere in the USA--exercise, eat right, don't smoke and drink and you would be surprised how healthy you can be

  4. Big pharma owns all the politicians that's why they can have an ad about a drug that may help you but you may die several horrible ways...But you can't have a cigarette ad.

  5. hmmm maybe that explains why my first surgeon kept me on morphine for so long.

  6. Personal responsibility is lacking everywhere in the USA--exercise, eat right, don't smoke and drink and you would be surprised how healthy you can be

    March 9, 2017 at 7:52 AM

    and you will STILL die

  7. Morphine has been generic drug for decades--no monetary incentives at all.. people that don't know anything about medicine all of a sudden become experts---amazing

  8. You don't need to know much about medicine to see the Big Pharma is out of control and wrecking the healthcare system (along with lawyers, but that's another story)

    BAN television ads for prescription drugs.
    BAN any and all gifting/perks to doctors (and their STAFF)
    Get a grip on Big Pharma's blockade on innovation that might compete with their multi-billion dollar cashflows.

    There is more that needs to be done in this area, but this would be a great start.

  9. Women are more obese then men in Maryland and they took off to celebrate it. Maybe should have went on a walk. #whitemaleproud

  10. More of what Should be ILLEGAL !!! Screwing Us in USA !!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Morphine has been generic drug for decades--no monetary incentives at all.. people that don't know anything about medicine all of a sudden become experts---amazing

    March 9, 2017 at 8:58 AM

    I think you mean there are generic versions of morphine genius.

    There are STILL brand name morphine drugs being described.

    People do have google and other search engines to find information ya know. I use it quite often to debunk jackasses like yourself.

    You shouldn't look down at anyone unless you're helping them up.

    1. Is this discourse keepin it classy Shorebillies?
      We're all in this life together. Judgement will have its place in the next

  12. 752 said News flash--People here on the Shore have the worst habits--poor eating, smoking, drinking, obesity is out of control...

    Well hell - here in OC its difficult not to get caught up in poor eating habits:

    (happy hours everywhere; Sun and Spring fests; wine fest; Octoberfests; upcoming St. Patties Day parade on Saturday 3/11 - THEN St. Patties WEEKEND Friday 3/17 - Sunday 3/19; AYCE's when the seasons starts; with driving distance all the Church and Fire House function that include breakfast/dinner specials; restaurants galore; hmmm wonder if that would include Sunday's Sundae's on the shore...etc.etc.etc.

    Smoking - well OC has pretty much attempted to do away with that. Thank god I can smoke out on the bay while fishing!!!!

    Drinking - ha, I mentioned happy hours EVERYWHERE right? As well as the good ol'MD law of purchasing up to 2am, then starting the clock over at 6am - every single day of the year!!!

    Obesity out of control. NO, not with locals - vacationers, ABSOLUTELY and that's our entertainment during the summertime! HAHAHA

    Hey 752am lighten up and come on over for a Happy Hour. Orange Crushes on me!!!!!

  13. Senators and Congressman Get Kickbacks (bribes) all the time

  14. March 9, 2017 at 11:54 AM

    Just because something is there does not mean you have to partake in it.

  15. Wasn't there an investigation into some of the local doctors a year or two ago?? I vaguely remember Dr Hearn being brought up and it seemed as though he was making out quite well with his prescribing certain medications and paid to do speaking engagements for these pharmaceutical companies so you might as well forget the garbage about a random lunch here or there

  16. This is why Doctors prescribe FDA approved meds instead of alternative "meds" herbs, vitamin etc. They need that extra income to survive with Obamacare. Don't say they don't work cause I can name a herb that regulates your heart rhythm and another that has my A1C 4 points when 2 diabetic pills have not in the last 3 years but allowed my sugar to rise.

  17. They think everyone should be on statins.

  18. Of course they are. Just go see your doctor and the first thing they want to do is give you drugs to treat symptoms, not the source of the problem causing the symptoms.

  19. And the FDA just banned CBD's. Using the most insane logic they could think of. I am so sick of being told what I can and cannot do, when I can do it, when I can't. Bunch of greedy hypocrites is all they are. Give it big pharma to make millions but for the rest of us that it could treat and cure our illnesses, too bad, so sad.

    I don't even smoke pot, or any other drug, but for those that do and the others, myself included, that might benefit from CBD oil they/we should at least have that option.

  20. It's a total disgrace how both doctors and pharmaceutical companies fleece citizens of this country with record profits. The doctors absolutely sell out their patients, and like posted earlier the doctors found a way to justify this to offset their losses


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