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Thursday, March 23, 2017

1st Sex Reassignment Inmate Says Women’s Prison Is ‘Torture’

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The first U.S. inmate to have taxpayer-funded sex reassignment surgery says she’s been mistreated since being transferred to a California women’s prison, where she now has a beard and mustache because officials have denied her a razor.

In a hand-written federal court filing, convicted killer Shiloh Heavenly Quine called her new housing at the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla a “torture unit.” She said she’s unnecessarily isolated from other inmates and denied basic items.

State officials say she’s being treated like other female inmates. All initially are denied privileges like razors and TVs as they are evaluated.



  1. Wtf is going on in this country?

    1. Sodom and Gomorrah behavior. Don't forget Pompai.

  2. Shoulda seen that coming, Cupcake.

  3. Is this that Bruce Jenner guy?
    It looks like him/her it, what?

  4. Most people's reaction to this is "What an a$$hole".

  5. fu, we don't care about your choices in life. We are busy with our own.

  6. I once was an outtee
    All ripped and he
    now im an inee
    And squat when pee

  7. I have no idea what any of you are talking about

  8. Great idea, let's give razors to the inmates. Should be safe enough.

  9. To bad,so sad. This is what happens when we make bad choices in life. Live with it.

  10. First of all he should have never had sex reassignment surgery on the taxpayer's money. Now that it is over he is getting what he asked for. He is in a women's prison and being treated like all the other women. Enjoy your sex change you stupid moron.

  11. I think "she" should spend a little time on a waterboard, then see if she thinks a women's prison is torture. He probably thought when he won the right to become surgically a "she" at taxpayer expense, that he would still be housed with male prisoners. Oh la-ti-da, how nice "she" thought, a women with a cell block full of men. HaHa, jokes on her. Now "she's" in the women's prison, and has to be a lesbian with a beard to get any sex. That right there is hilarious.


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