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Sunday, February 05, 2017

YOU DECIDE: Here we now have the apologists on killing a prison guard


  1. Somebody needs to spend a few months in the slam for some perspective.

  2. there a bunch of commies... totally useless pawns

  3. I was in philly last night and watched the news. a lady came on and said she felt sorry for the prisoners cause they probably aren't treated right

  4. Lifers get NOTHING!!!. education for those condidered redemable, legaize pot to reduce population. Fry or inject anyone involved in this hostage situation.

  5. Sick people in the world. defending rapist and child molesters. Never once mentioned supporting the victims family or the victim in this case.. one step further how about all the people that fell victim to some of the monsters behind bars? Criminals come in all colors shapes and sizes. These radicals are terrorist sympathizers...

  6. As a Retired Correctional Officer I am tired of hearing from these liberal nuts who know nothing about what happens inside. They only hear from one side. You never hear these liberals talk about the dangers that these convicts create and the dangers an Officer endures during their entire shift day after day. Even the Police does not have these dangers their entire shift every day.

  7. You commit the crime you do the time

  8. That's a rally? Three liberal weirdoes who belong in California defending riots and murder?

  9. Oops, I mean three liberal weirdoes and a convicted felon.

  10. I could not finish listening to this female (?) never know. She spoke of conditions inside, they are convicts for gosh sake. And for the speakers information, I don't have a brother or sister in there.They are in there on their own accord, for breaking our laws. Hell, they killed a employee while incarcerated. What would they do in a free society.

  11. My husband retired about 4 yrs ago from ECI as an officer and I can tell you from those that have worked there these criminals do not deserve your pity. They did the crimes and they do the time, prisons are not meant to be Club Med. They have a roof over their heads, 3 square meals a day, TV, weight lifting rooms, library, medical care, inside jobs if they want, church services and visitation from family and friends. Ask the families of the victims what they have left of their loved ones gone, the beatings and abuse the real victims received, the rapes and everything imaginable.

  12. I couldn't listen to the whole thing either. Someone lost their life today you bunch of idiots. They are called inmates for a reason they raped, robbed, assaulted, murdered and God knows what else. They lost their rights the minute they did those things. They don't get to live like the rest of society anymore are you stupid or just F# crazy.

  13. What's happens when you don't go along. You get along. Truth is that inmates run the prisons. Period. Shot callers keep peace. Or allow these incidents to happen. Out numbered badly. Reminds me of a joke. What do you call a white man surrounded by 5 blacks? Coach! And surrounded by 500? Warden! It's a joke so please keep any negatives to yourselves. And besides the joke there is a whole lotta truth there as well.

    1. Joey Fisher,
      How many periods do you need to use? The joke was you trying to get it out.

  14. I was struck by just how entitled the ex-cons felt they deserved.

    And the one had the audacity to just the CO's killing by say he was an A-hole.


  15. They are the first ones to run off to canada same as millinials.


  17. Prisoners have to easy we need to make their stay miserable... Their thoughts should be of only sleep eat and work.

  18. As a retired correctional officer from ECU I can tell you these inmates are not mistreated. They give them everything. They even have a band room with electric guitars and drums. Didn't you ever wonder why when they get out they purposely commit a crime to get back in. It is because they have it so easy in there. So you shouldn't fell sorry for the murdering inmates. You feel sorry for the dedicated Officers that have to deal with them on a regular basis.


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