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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Will You Return? Delmar Pizza Reopens After Backlash

We are open!

We want to inform our customers that we were able to gather a small staff and we are now open. We will do our best to provide good service with our limited staff today.


  1. NOPE
    What did they do have there adult kids work behind the counter.
    True colors already shown.

    1. Too late morons...you made your choice. Suffer the consequences. Bye bye.

  2. I doubt it. I don't trust the employees who walked out anymore. If they have so much dislike of this country that they hoped to cause such an economic impact then they don't like Americans. They want to hurt us. They can not be trusted to not do something to the food.
    Our work ate lunch there about once a week.

  3. To late. Damage has been done. They made their political statement. Lost my Business! We'll how long they will survive now! Word of mouth rules on the shore.

  4. Yes. The owners are good people. It's the employees that work there with the issue. I would fire anyone that didn't show up for their shift. Don't jeperdize their hard work for stupidity. They donate everywhere and often.. I am going there now just for the support!! Join me!

  5. One question....the people that didn't show up for work...are they illegals or what was it about?

  6. True colors shown - does not know the difference between there and their.

    Amazing that there are no new businesses coming to this area, I just can't figure it out. (Sarcasm)

  7. I agree with 6:19. If they do not show where they fired the illegal employees who did not show up for work today. And next then show where they try to hire legal immigrants and citizens who need jobs, I will not do business with them.

  8. What did you ever do to piss off Joe? Obviously something was wrong because he has hit you hard today.


  9. Sorry Tommy, we go there every week and this sends a red flag. Totally not on you, but I would throw their butt out and replace with someone that won't harm you. Remember the incident years ago? We missed you for years after you temporarily shut down. Took a long time before I could go back.I'll give it some thought, hope to be back after the dust settles.

  10. Can't say I'll miss them at all

  11. If they are spitting in the face of our legal system, they will spit in your food. They will see you sitting there in the booths and tables of the restaurant, enjoying the freedoms we have as Citizens in the USA and they will be envious. And that's why they will spit in your food.

    1. Tell me do you spit on them? Then why would they spit on your food. Your a fool.

    2. 7:33 you've obviously never worked in food service.

  12. As a small business owner myself and a yuge Trump fan, I would eat there. In a situation like this you're almost damned if you do, or damned if you don't. Sometimes employees make decisions that you have no control over, but in my opinion, it is not worth a boycott. I do think he the owner should do some kind of damage control though.

  13. So Delmar Pizza hired illegals to work there, or what?
    If they knew this was going to happen, then they should have
    thought about their customers and planned for replacements
    ahead of time.

    1. An immigrant doesn't have to be illegal you idiot!

  14. We will never eat there again.

  15. If they fire the employee's who boycotted America than yes I will.

  16. Bravo - see you soon!

  17. No, I will not eat there anymore. Patriotism to my country comes first. There are other restaurants in the area that will get an increase in clientele. They thought they could have a cause against our country and we would sit back and still cater to their business. The only way they can redeem themselves is show provably that they fired these workers who did not show up for work and then hired American citizens or LEGAL immigrants

  18. The entire Town of Ocean City does the same thing every year. They hire "legal" foreign workers in order to avoid taxes they must pay for employing Americans. Honestly, Hogan and Trump need to stop this from happening. It's not that we don't like these "innocent" visitors. It's that OUR children can't get employment because of it. Even illegals who are already here are being cheated from these jobs.

    Employers are exempt from unemployment taxes and Social Security taxes when they employ these Visa workers. Everyone keeps claiming that Americans don't want this work. It's all BS....

    1. It's not BS. Alot of times the foreign employees are better than the Americans. Sometimes there English isn't the best but they are hungry and there to work. Most American employees are more interested on playing with there phone or iPad all day. It is not always the business owners trying to dodge taxes.

    2. No but it definitely helps Mr Business owner in Ocean City

    3. 7:17 I call BS saying foreign workers are better, that's just an excuse for hiring low wage workers so the business owners don't have to pay decent wages and other benefits.

  19. Only if they fire those employees who did not come to work today and that is able to be confirmed. That is not my America.

  20. All the waitress staff were American and there is enough family to work the owners support this event I won't be back

  21. Fire all the employees that didn't show up for work and hire people that
    appreciate having a job. Everyone of my employee's showed up for work today,they know that someone has to pay for all the Government freebies.

  22. 6:56 PM you are not wholly correct.

    If he pays illegals as employees, he pays taxes on them and unemployment. These are not seasonal visa holders. There is a difference.

  23. Hey Delmar Pizza. Listen up. Go political. Go broke!

  24. The whole idea behind this was to hurt the economy. Why would they want to harm Americans? To me this only proves they don't really like us at all. Are just using us.

  25. No... The cooks are nasty and the owners don't care. Drive behind the restaurant and see the cooks lying on the grass, and even pissing under the trees, saw one last week do it, and I should of called the state Police. DPD won't do anything to them. All you have to do is watch them go to work, and the clothes they wear are nasty, and you want to eat there.... Better you than me.

  26. I've been a customer for several years. I will NEVER return to this communist propaganda restaurant again.

  27. If all who called out today are fired today, I will go back with bells on.

    If they hang on to the misfit, then I'm gone.

    Get new people, your customer service will improve greatly! This is a good thing!

    I love Delmar Pizza, and if their employees wish to quit all in one day, then they shouldn't be back tomorrow. If they are, I'm done with them!

  28. Joe do you have something personal against Delmar Pizza? I notice you are singling them out when several other restaurants closed today also. Where are you stories on them?

  29. I'll go back if they replace the employees that caused the problem. Until that happens, I'll just eat elsewhere.

  30. 7:49, absolutely not. A viewer tipped us off after we published the article about Perdue and others being short with Hispanics taking off today. In fact, we asked, (in comments) to let us know if there were any other businesses, (aside from Delmar Pizza) that also closed today.

    SO, do YOU know of any other businesses that closed today????

    1. Fratellis in Salisbury. Plaza Tapitia

  31. This is how you no joe is doing a great job better than the rest of these media outlets not for us we were able as a community to reopen this store but i will not be going back employees should be fired you just cant make a day up and say its ok not to work if i were the employer they would be fired pretty simple no call no show for some made up pretty much holiday

  32. I will get on it Joe let's see what we can do to stop this in our community

  33. Question asked, answer provided, any more out there? We're waiting? Did anyone go to a morally open business today that was closed because of this?

  34. Aren't the owners of Delmar pizza immigrants too? Damn Greeks stealing our jobs

  35. Nope , Laurel Pizza King here we come

  36. im lost for words i have lost my pizza desire

  37. NO WAY!!! They are to un-american for me. My entire family and I have elected not to rerun based on this stupid, anti-american action of closing. Every patriotic American should never go again!!!

  38. I don't know anyone who's not an "immigrant" so this action is insulting to all those currently working hard to do so and all those before us who did so Legally.
    So the answer is No, despite their knee jerk reaction. A foolish and unfortunate decision they made.
    I hope for them that all the pushy protestors can keep them in business.
    Good Luck

    1. My great, great, great grandparents were immigrants, I am a natural born citizen! So wish I could say it was nice to meet you since you've never met anyone like me!

    2. You need to educate yourself, everyone is not an immigrant.

  39. Delmar Pizza didn't close because they supported the movement. They closed because their employees didn't show up. Illegal or not? I dont know and neither do any of you.

    1. I agree that's why I called immigration today and let ICE get to the bottom of it. And I won't ever go back to a anti America restaurant again. I feel bad for supporting them for so many years.

  40. I was never that fond of the place to begin with and now after this stunt I won't return. Enjoy your day off!

  41. Great spin doctoring Delmar Pizza. As a business owner I would have had my business open and I'm sure everyone who came to eat would understood the situation if not they could've kicked rocks.

  42. Delmar Diner was open....plenty of good food and service!!!

  43. You would think by now someone would've told these dumb a**es that no one on the right wants to ban immigrants........ just those here illegally.

  44. Unfortunately, this little protest did nothing to change anything! It was just a day off! All of the "immigrants" that I work with were at work because, like me, they need their paycheck to support themselves and their families! Period! This did nothing to affect America or it's businesses except make people not want to patron them! America still kept going even with places like Delmar Pizza, Agave Azul, Cactus Taverna and others being closed. All they did was hurt themselves and their businesses! Yeah! Way to go!

  45. I doubt any of these comments will harm their business. This free publicity may even help them in the long run. Most people online are just all talk. Hiding behind their keyboards online, these people want to express themselves over stuff that they don't really care about otherwise. I might be wrong, but I doubt people will go through the hassle of changing their eating habits over this.

    1. You are very wrong with this crowd sir. I stopped watching the nfl because of kap, and I will gladly take my business elsewhere. Message to all the places that closed, you may as well have closed for good. You just labeled yourself. I don't tolerate this crap one bit. I say anyone who didn't work yesterday to support this crap be deported, legal or not. You are either with us, or against us. Don't need you, don't want you, don't care one bit about you unless you want to be American. If you're so proud of your country by all means go back! Funny how it's ok for immigrants to love their country, just not the one they came to for work and a better life. The irony gets me everytime. They can come here and be patriotic for the country that was so good to them they left, but when Americans take pride in their country it's racist and xenophobic. Well I guess I am both then. No problem with it either.


  46. I think 9:10 has made an accurate assessment.

    The note they posted first (apparently) said they were 'regretfully' closed because of staffing issues. That isn't a show of support for those skipping work.

    That's a courtesy to those checking online. I'm guessing most customers only found out when they arrived to eat. Don't know what notice they may have posted at the door.

    It appears they were able to open later (when school was out?) so I'm sure it was a challenging day. Their overhead expenses continued and the revenue would have been down seriously.

    I have no clue about the actual status of those not at work there today: native born citizen, legal immigrant or illegal alien (with or without papers). Just hope they fired anyone not at work who wasn't in the ICU at PRMC.

  47. They lost my business, food wasn't that good anyways , so I won't miss it!!!If the people who worked there were illegal, then the owners should be fined for knowing they hired illegals!! Pitiful!!

  48. I used to work in a store in that shopping center. We quit eating there after repeated bouts of diarrhea. Eat there at your own risk!

  49. Don't you think every other restaurant is the same way? Look around tons of immigrants.

  50. Will not patronize!

  51. No I will not return! I will not support any company that allows illegal employment of undocumented workers. The people who walked out did us all a favor and informed on themselves. We now know what businesses are hiding these illegal workers. I will never again support Delmar Pizza or any establishment who hires illegal workers.

  52. I'm with 11:24 I have ancestors that fought on both sides of the revolutionary war. The most recent immigrant for me is a great, great grandmother.
    And, no I will not be going back to Delmar Pizza, though honestly I haven't been there since they started having issues with food poisoning.

  53. Haven't found it yet (so point it out if I missed it) whether management shut down to support them or shut down because their workforce didn't show....

    If they supported it - bad management mistake in this environment.
    If they were victims of a walkout/strike/stoppage/slowdown - will they let them back in the next day - another bad management mistake in this environment.
    If they were victims and have the stones to fire them and put up help wanted signs - I'll go back and support them as they recover.....

  54. It wasn't a "Day without ILLEGAL Immigrants". I don't think the employees are illegal. I believe they were using it for a day off. The only shame the owners should have is if they retain those employees.

  55. I am done too. Never again unless they take a stand and terminate them. Guarantee if it was a non Hispanic you would be fired......

  56. Small town - small minds - ignorant shorebillies #deservenonewjobs

  57. Not going there again.

  58. NO we are done with that

  59. No chance. Thank you, Joe, for being a Patriot and telling us about these loosers who don't support Real Americans!

  60. Who wants to risk eating where workers don't support their patrons.

  61. Nope, his wife is an "immigrant." His wife opened the failed "Fox and Olive" restaurant on Snow Hill Road. If you noticed they only liked to hire "immigrants." If he is too stupid to understand President Trump's Executive Order then he doesn't deserve my business and I hope others feel the same way.

  62. Anonymous said...
    If they are spitting in the face of our legal system, they will spit in your food. They will see you sitting there in the booths and tables of the restaurant, enjoying the freedoms we have as Citizens in the USA and they will be envious. And that's why they will spit in your food.

    February 16, 2017 at 6:41 PM

    Of course they would. Remember when the Health Department shut them down because they put feces in the food!

  63. Anonymous said...
    Aren't the owners of Delmar pizza immigrants too? Damn Greeks stealing our jobs

    February 16, 2017 at 8:15 PM


  64. Anonymous said...

    Sorry Tommy, we go there every week and this sends a red flag. Totally not on you, but I would throw their butt out and replace with someone that won't harm you. Remember the incident years ago? We missed you for years after you temporarily shut down. Took a long time before I could go back.I'll give it some thought, hope to be back after the dust settles.

    February 16, 2017 at 6:38 PM

    Why are you afraid to mention the "incident years ago?"

    Poop Pizza is all I can say!

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The entire Town of Ocean City does the same thing every year. They hire "legal" foreign workers in order to avoid taxes they must pay for employing Americans. Honestly, Hogan and Trump need to stop this from happening. It's not that we don't like these "innocent" visitors. It's that OUR children can't get employment because of it. Even illegals who are already here are being cheated from these jobs.

    Employers are exempt from unemployment taxes and Social Security taxes when they employ these Visa workers. Everyone keeps claiming that Americans don't want this work. It's all BS....

    February 16, 2017 at 6:56 PM

    Only part of your statement is true. The biggest problem is that your children don't want to work. And the ones that do want to work can't work past the middle of August. These cute Russians will work up till August or longer. In many cases they are cuter than your children and they do want to work so sorry for your luck!

  66. Anonymous said...
    Delmar Pizza didn't close because they supported the movement. They closed because their employees didn't show up. Illegal or not? I dont know and neither do any of you.

    February 16, 2017 at 9:10 PM

    I am getting sick and tired of this person making numerous comments defending the owners of this business by blaming it on the employees.

    The wife and all of her family are Greeks and can barely speak English. They closed down because they are liberal Anti-Trump Traitors. They have had numerous concerns over E-Coli in the food served there so you would be an idiot to go back at that Hell Hole and risk your lives again. E-Coli Kills!!

  67. I am as close to being an "immigrant" as you can get. My mother is French Canadian and I am very proud of my Heritage. The big difference is I am an American. So was my mother, aunts, uncles and grand-parents. They crossed that Northern border legally and assimilated. My grandfather never learned to speak English and lived here the rest of his life and never demanded free benefits or interpreters. Do like they did and come here legally!! The rest of these illegal Aliens can kiss my American ASS! Go Trump 45!! #MAGA

  68. I'll protest with my wallet.

  69. hAVE eaten there for yrs. , will continue
    to do so too! Never have gotten a bad meal!
    They didn't have the kitchen help to
    get the food out---that was the problem!
    It wasn't that the owners wanted to close
    down----it was due to the lack of workers employed

  70. 8:51 And it's okay with you that they hire illegal workers and pay them about 4.50/hr cash under the table?? Hey...guess what?? If they had not hired so many illegals maybe they could have stayed open. Put the blame where it lies ..with the owners.


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