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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

White Men Should Pay 5% Extra In Taxes Because They’re Privileged

White people should pay extra taxes because they are more privileged, an op-ed at Wesplain argues.

The article, titled, “It’s Time for White People to Pay for Privilege: The Equality Tax,”argues that all minorities face economic disadvantages.

“Racist employers, a disproportionate targeting of minorities by law enforcement, racial wage gaps, poor inner city schools; these all contribute to what is an undeniable reality for minorities,” the article claims.

To fix this, white people should pay a higher tax to make up for their privilege. The writer suggests a five percent tax to start with. A single white man should pay a five percent “equality tax,” while a single white woman would only pay 4.5 percent in the “equality tax.”



  1. Take away your affirmative action first.

  2. All this privilege talk is B.S. Yes, I'm a white male, but I worked hard for what I have. Nobody helped me along the way, so why should I have to pay an extra tax just for being white? I'm sick and tired of libtards bringing this country to its ruin and doom. If they don't like it, they can just get out. And I'm being taxed enough already anyway!!!

  3. This is BS. It is discriminatory. Violates equal treatment for all. Also all employers, Federal, State, Local and Private sector is mandated to abide by "Quotas". They use this for hiring / promotions etc. I know this because I was effected greatly by this and can name examples. Had documentation and the EEOC refused to handle the case. I am retired but know what I am talking about.

  4. And I think this non white person needs to get a job and pay their share of taxes

  5. I've got your equality tax right here.

  6. We are all equal,if you want more money than work for it. The problems you list are the ones you created you should clean your own house.

  7. Not this gas again. Every few years (practically when a new President is elected) someone dusts off a prior story, interjects a few opinions and prints it to get a rise.

    Knock it off fear mongers, the bait aint worth the bite anymore!

  8. I just bought another box of equality.
    Come on over and get some.

    Quit trying to find another way that some kind of check comes your way...GET A JOB and you will LEARN where all this "priviledge" comes from...

  9. White privilege is just a talking point for racist Democrats, another lie made up by them to push their agenda. Blacks are the privileged ones with all the handouts they get.

  10. As a white man, husband and father...my tax is around 105% already. Where the *#&@ does the money go??

  11. Well, isn't that just....RACIST! This coming from the party of the KKK. I'm an old guy, but I've always said that the biggest racist in this country is the government, itself. The pass laws that are based on race. They hand out entitlements that are based on race. They practice re-distribution of wealth (tax dollars) based on race. And they ALL stand on their podiums and talk about how the country is divided on race issues. Racism benefits politicians, and they exploit it.

  12. How about a tax on Thugs ?

  13. Whites and black WORKERS (name your color) would be taxed a lot less or not at all if we did not have to support you that are forever on the dole.

  14. You need to go check out the source of this story, wesplain.com. Most will find it LOL funny. Molly will be right at home. Here are just a few of the stories on their site:

    "Suicide: The Only Way To Truly Escape Privilege?"

    "Men opening Doors for Women is a Symbol of Aggressive Patriarchy"

    "When A Kiss Isn't So Simple: How I Was Raped By A Kiss"

  15. You may not think this is so but it is true because I lived it. This white privilege stuff is a lot of BS. I am a white male 65 years old. I grew up in the sixties and seventies. I was discriminated against all my life because I was a white male. I am sure most of the black people would probably disagree. But every time I applied for a job. I was told you have the qualifications we are looking for but we cannot hire you until we hire a certain percentage of minorities. This was what was known as affirmative action. One particular company I applied to was a good paying manufacturing job. The man in charge of hiring said to me. You are exactly what we are looking for and we intend to hire about a hundred people. But I cannot hire you until we hire sixty minorities. I was also working in a manufacturing plant when a promotion became available. A white fellow I knew had been there from the opening of the plant and was very good at his job and very intelligent. They passed over him for the promotion to give it to a black employee. After six month of being a terrible supervisor they had to demote the black fellow because he was not able to do the job. But what do you think happened then. Yep you guessed it they passed over the white guy again and gave the job to a different black fellow even though the white guy was more qualified. This happen my whole working life so where do you get this white privilege BS. It looked and sounded like to me black privilege.

  16. 9:05 - your darn right! Thugs cause most of the extra costs for our country. Think about them beating up Mister Parsons recently! They need to pay the extra tax for the burden they put on us!

  17. And the welfare cheats need to be made to pick up trash along the highways, cut the grass, empty trash in government buildings and schools.

  18. They are not getting a damn dime. The majority of people in America today have NO history of slave ownership.


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