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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

WHAT WOULD YOU DO If Hundreds Of Muslim “Refugees” Flooded Your Town? Here’s What One Brave Woman Is Doing


  1. I fear that the lady speaks the truth. These "refugees" are not like immigrants in that they are not coming here of their own free will in order to become "American". They are coming here either out of fear of remaining in their home countries or possibly for some nefarious reason. Regardless, they are not coming here to assimilate into American society. When their numbers are small they pretend to be interested in becoming "one with America" but as their numbers grow their demands, largely based on their religious doctrine, become such that they want their religion to become the "law of the land".

    I hope that I am wrong but this is simply the way that I feel and it is what people who are much smarter than me have said and written. Just take a look around.

  2. You will all soon see like the UK did... Now they have Sharia Law and communities of nothing but Muslims, and all of this was against the UK constitution...

    Oh but we all know, you people are to god damn stupid and will have to find out the hard way, which you soon will, and then as usual it will be to late to fix or do anything about it...

  3. Chase them back OUT !! Not Welcome here >> get OUT !!

  4. I have a French friend living in Paris where it is not unusual to be approached by people from countries that are part of the attempted ban and told as a French born, French citizen that this is not your country anymore.

  5. The problems in Europe are magnified by the inability of the Europeans to do anything other than write a mean letter to the editor. They been totally disarmed. By their "leaders" (!?).
    In America, 100 million gun owners will only take so much of that BS in the streets before Joe Citizen starts to clean it up.
    THAT is the difference between them and us. It's also the reason our "leaders" (SO willing to import thousands of people to live next to YOU, not them) want to disarm us --- they can't push too hard against people that will shoot back. Or take matters into their well-armed hands.
    NOTHING scares a slimy politician more than someone who can say "no" to them and back it up with a AR-15.
    Keep cheering.

  6. Well put Imclain, well put. The invasion is more of an invitation at this point. That accompanied with the extremely high birth rates of the "refugee" population and you have a recipe for disaster.

  7. President Trump needs this lady in his cabinet!

  8. Keep them out! Lock our doors!!


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