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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

WH ultimatum to State Department over travel ban dissent

State Department employees harboring anger about President Donald Trump's travel ban are welcome to find a new place to work, the White House said Monday.

The 100 signatories of a dissent memo that's circulating at State 'should either get with the program or they can go,' White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declared.

'At some point if they have a big problem with the policies that he's instituting to keep the country safe, then that's up to them to question whether or not they want to stay or not,' Spicer told reporters during his daily briefing.



  1. Send them to Benghazi

  2. I agree...get their resignations or fire them. President Trump wants to decrease the size of govt. Here are the first 900 positions to cut

  3. The State Dept is full of liberals in career positions. If they want to sign their names to a list of people with attitude problems, that's pretty helpful. It will save time rooting them out.


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