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Sunday, February 19, 2017

We Want To Hear From You

We at Salisbury News have been contemplating publishing Fake News we continue to see on Facebook and other sources like the Main Stream Media.

My personal opinion is that YOU should be made aware that what you have seen or read is FAKE. I also believe we should hold the Main Stream media accountable for all their false information.

I think we can all now agree, we're just not sure who to believe any more. 

Again, I feel like the Liberal Party is trying to brain wash Americans. I'm also thinking, wouldn't it be great to be able to go to a place that confirms their news is FAKE. So we're asking if you like this idea, or not. I look forward to your responses. Yes, it will also be exposing our local media as well. They'll either tell BOTH sides or the WHOLE story or we will consider it more brainwashing or FAKE NEWS. An example, they can talk about 500 new apartments but they do NOT tell you it involves Affordable Housing. They are misleading you.  


  1. Fake news isn't only out and out lies it is also incomplete stories done to fit an agenda. Omitted facts in other words.

  2. Yes, Yes and Yes, tell us all about the fake news out there.

  3. I wish I knew what was Fake. Tell us the Fake News, and tell us how it is Fake. For instance, "I work at Delmarva Public Radio." I guess that was Fake. Thanks for letting us know!

  4. It would be welcomed

  5. Facebook and all the posts everyone post is absolutely ridiculous.

    1. If your smart,stay off social media. It's turned into a playground.

  6. The mainstream media is in the tank for democrats so how can you believe anything they say.

  7. MSM is owned by lobbyists.

  8. We know there is a million tons of it out there, look how many times they said Hillary Clinton was leading in the so called polls.

  9. Keep posting Joe, we need your thoughts on the crap others spew out....

  10. You already do this for us every day, Joe. Thanks!

  11. social media is a liberals tool

  12. If you remember last year on the apartments on the river they were to have been for people of the arts, and the write up by the lady who applied for an apartment there and she was an artist by trade. When she applied for rent she spoke to people already living there and found out none of them were artists. I am sure Joe still has the article. It was a lie then and until we get new people it will always be a lie. This is the worst SPIN area on the Eastern Shore.

  13. Social media is an excuse not to show up and demonstrate by action and personal contribution and committment, what you profess.
    Immaturity at record level

  14. Yes! Most of us are here for the truth anyway.

  15. I enjoy (puke out of disgust) when you show the spin of the WSJ front pages.

    Continue the superb work Sir Joe!

  16. If it says CNN, it's fake!


  17. Four excellent local purveyors of Fake News:



    WSCL (NPR)

    The Daily Times

    We're very well served with Fake News for an area with relatively small population.


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