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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

USS Indianapolis saw the worst shark attack in history

At first, the stricken sailors were unaware of the sharks who had already started devouring their dead comrades and were now encircling them.

It had been shortly after midnight when their ship, the USS Indianapolis, was torpedoed and sunk by a Japanese submarine in the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean, some 500 miles east of the Philippines.

Of the 1,200 men aboard, about a quarter went down with her. The rest had made it into the water and in the dark hours afterwards they had struggled to keep afloat, those who didn’t have lifejackets clinging to those who did.



  1. OK, so Trump survived the SECOND worst shark attack in history. Landsharks

  2. If my Steven Spielberg trivia is accurate, in Jaws (1975 for the youngins out there) Quint tells Brody and Hooper the story of being on the Indianapolis, the disaster, his surviving and hearing his crewmen getting eaten by sharks.

    Jaws - still referred to as one of the greatest movies ever! Do check it out if you have 2 or 3 hrs to relax!

  3. worst attack just happened , when Dems attacked Trump
    Damn those sharks !!! they don't know when to quit !!

  4. The movie, USS Indianapolis staring Nick Cage is at Redbox right now, and it is great!

  5. Ignorant citizens...this is what destroys our country. I have no idea why you would post this for ignorant readers...see prior comments. USS Indianapolis sinking was wrongly blamed on the captains failure to evade by zig zag course...years later ended his life suicide.

  6. "Here's to swimin' with bow legged women." " We're going to need a bigger boat"


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