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Monday, February 06, 2017

US ex-Marine in Iraq speaks about Trump ban in viral video

In a Facebook video with over 40 million "likes," a US former marine who says he is working in Iraq, Steven Gern, on Wednesday justified US President Donald Trump's ban to prevent citizens of seven Muslim countries, including Iraq, from entering the US.

When Gern asked the Iraqis he knows what they thought of Trump's ban, they expressed contempt for Trump. However, when he asked if the locals would accept him - an American - with open arms if he left the confines of his work area and went into town, the Iraqi soldiers said he "absolutely would not be welcome."

When Gern asked, "What would happen to me?" they said the locals would torture Gern and kill him within an hour, possibly by beheading, then upload the video to social media for everybody to see "as an example."

"The point of it is, the point I'm trying to make is, this is the local populace who would do this. This isn't ISIS, this isn't Al-Qaeda, this isn't the PMU, this isn't a militia from the Iranians, or anything like that. This is the local populace that would do this.."



  1. That is the truth from someone who lives in a country where he would be murdered by the local people. According to his explanation he said "why should we let them in our country?" I agree with his point.

  2. Great video. Even my daughter, who's in college, told me about it. Gone viral, even on college campuses. See, that's the power of the internet: you can bypass the MSM propaganda filters and go right to the source. When that happens, even snowflakes listen. Trump has this figured out.

  3. There's no such thing as an ex-Marine. Once you earn the title, u have it forever. Semper first, brothers.


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