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Friday, February 10, 2017

‘Unprecedented Obstruction’

(CNSNews.com) - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday the fact that Vice President Mike Pence had to cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is a reminder of the Senate Democrats’ “unprecedented obstruction.”

“The fact that we had to get to the point where the vice president had to be pulled in to overcome the Democrats’ historic and partisan logjam of the president’s qualified nominee is another glaring reminder of the unprecedented obstruction that Senate Democrats have engaged in throughout this process,” Spicer said.

Pence’s tie-breaking vote marks the first time in history that a vice president had to break a tie regarding a cabinet nomination.

“The American people sent a strong message when they elected President Trump in November - they’re fed up with business as usual in Washington. Democrats in the Senate should expect that voters will remember how they stood in the way of the president enacting an agenda that put him into office,” he said.



  1. Let's hope this immature, hypocritical, belligerent behavior by the left will cause them to lose more seats in the next election, as predicted.

  2. It's not unprecedented. It was done to Obama for eight years by republicans. Taste of your own medicine.


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