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Friday, February 10, 2017

Under Armour CEO Is Turning Heads with a Bold Statement About President Trump

While some major companies openly criticize President Donald Trump, Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank is taking a different approach.

In an interview on CNBC's “Fast Money Halftime Report,” the CEO of the highly successful athletic apparel brand defended Trump, saying:

“To have such a pro-business President is something that is a real asset for the country,” Plank said. “People can really grab that opportunity. He loves to build I don’t think there’s any surprises here. When you look at the president he wants to build things. He wants to build things, he wants to make bold decisions and be really decisive. I’m a big fan of people that operate in the world of publish and iterate versus think, think, think, think, think. So there’s a lot that I respect there.”

Plank's endorsement of the president isn't sitting well with everyone. Many Twitter users have announced their intention to boycott the Baltimore-based clothing company:



  1. sorry, riding the coattail dosent change the fact his products are made in Vietnam sweat shops and far over priced for the quality.
    Didnt he change with the political winds not long ago?

  2. Kind of like where Trumps signature line of ties are made?

    1. What about the 11k employees in America he hired? Don't matter to you anyway

    2. That is reason why he ran and won. He wants to make them here the liberals ruined it with regulations. Now his family can open up factory again. It would suck be a liberal.

  3. Good for that CEO - I plan on buying his product from this day forward. It's about time someone spoke up for the President and his intentions for the success of business America.

  4. he is now bringing the work back home because Trump is going to make it more profitible now for businesses to stay in America.

  5. Just spent $300 on some nice UA clothes. And went online and bought my wife another $300 in Trump ladies wear for V. day. How and why did I do that? Because I work for a living and I can! God bless America.

  6. Going to keep buying UA products. I want to support my state and my schools. UA is an American success story.

  7. If those cry baby, snow flake, athletes that are protesting, want to make a real statement, why not give up your multi-million dollar contracts with Under Armour?

  8. Same ole' tired liberal progressive stance - if you dare to disagree with us, we will ruin you. No room for civil discourse here. If a business, we will boycott you. If an individual, we will tweet/facebook/snapchat you into disgrace. We hate that you disagree with us and hate you as a result.

  9. It is sad to do, but if my liberal friends keep trying to run me away, so be it. Because you are beginning to piss me off to the point I can't stand being around you. I would think there are other like minded folks that agree.

  10. Most of their business nationally is sports related rather than hunting/fishing related. More left leaning people run, cycle, yoga, cross fit, spin etc. and they could have an impact on the sales of UA.

  11. Everything is made overseas and American companies don't do it because they want to, they do it because they HAVE TO! Unless you want to pay three times as much. Trump is trying to cut regulations and taxes so that American companies can keep their businesses in America which will create jobs and tax revenue, alleviate the welfare burden and get people off unemployment.
    I was at a trade show in America. you would be shocked by the number of Chinese companies and even Australian companies (who also manufacture in China) who were there exhibiting their products which American distributors buy buy buy to sell in America because they can actually afford to profit (how dare they!)
    The Chinese were also going around taking pictures of people's booths and products because (as I learned) they copy them and make them for much less and knock them off and put American businesses out of business.
    All of you who complain about Americans doing business with China should really understand why it is that way. Trump certainly understands it and if he can make it easier to do business without China, American businesses will be elated to do so!

  12. Also, Under Armour is an American brand born from the head of a down-to-earth guy in Baltimore. He has had huge success and brought pride to a city that needs it. It would be long gone if he produced in America. That's awful and wrong and anyone in business knows it and hates it.


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