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Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump’s education secretary pick plans to get rid of Common Core standards

Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, will put the brakes on the contentious Common Core standards if she is confirmed by the Senate.

“It’s time to make education great again in this country,” she said at a Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Friday. “This means letting states set their own high standards and finally putting an end to the federalized Common Core.”

DeVos, a prominent Republican donor and the former head of the Michigan GOP, is known as a charter-school advocate and a booster of school choice and education vouchers.

DeVos’ five-minute speech echoed her new boss’s stance.

“The answer isn’t bigger government — it’s local control, it’s listening to parents, and it’s giving more choices,” she said.



  1. Replies
    1. Democrats in maryland would still keep the standards...

    2. They love failure

  2. God bless the children who have to unlearn the bizarre contents of CC.

  3. You know, it becomes painfully obvious why the left is pushing back so hard. It is called mind control; they have let government do their thinking for so long they have forgotten how to critically think for themselves. I am sure they (the left) are scared poopless wondering how they are going to manage with choices left up to them.


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