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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


1. Trump erased all mentions on the White House web site of “climate change.” He did that within ONE HOUR of taking the oath of office.

2. Trump issued an Executive order to “ease the burden of Obamacare”

3. Trump returned the bust of Winston Churchill to the oval office

4. Trump withdrew America from the TPP treaty

5. Trump erased all Spanish language from the White House web site. It is now “English Only.”

6. Trump issued an Executive order starting the construction of “THE WALL.”

7. Trump issued an Executive order banning funding to foreign pro-abortion groups.

8. Trump's new Secretary of Defense, James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, took the fight to ISIS by bombing them 31 times on his first day as the new Secretary of Defense.

9. Trump announced temporary ban on refugees from Syria and Middle Eastern war zones

10. Trump imposed a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding new contracts or grants

11. Trump announced a ban on visas from dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate screening

12. Trump announced the end of “Sanctuary cities” and the defunding of federal funds for any city that chooses to continue breaking the law.

13. Trump announced the hiring of 10,000 new border agents

14. Trump signed an Executive order demanding the Secretary of Homeland Security publish a weekly list of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.

15. Trump signed an Executive order freezing the hiring of non-essential federal employees

16. Trump said out loud the words “radical Islamic terrorism.”

17. Trump stopped payment on Obama’s final hour giveaway of $220 million to the Palestinian Authority

18. Trump used Executive orders to give the go-ahead to the long-stalled Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines

19. Trump got the State Department’s entire senior management team to resign in frustration.

20. Trump announced his intention to withdraw From Climate & Environmental Accords Along With UN Funding Cuts of 40%

21. Trump tweeted “Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!”

22. Trump announced he’ll begin a major investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 election

23. Trump got the chief of the Border Patrol to leave the agency in frustration at having to actually do his job!

24. State Dept. Arms Control chief fired while on airplane; Trump, told to turn around and fly back!

25. Miami-Dade mayor orders jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties

26. Trump White House abruptly halts Obamacare ads.

27. Trump appoints Neil Gorsuch to U.S. Supreme Court, a Justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia

...and all this in less than two weeks in office.


  1. so awesome to have a president keep his promises and really loves America!! God Bless President Trump!! r.baker

  2. Hey Barrack, remember how you asked if Trump had a magic wand to fix everything or something... it's called PATRIOTISM!

  3. Seems like a good start...

  4. Awesome a president that actually can lead and get things done. More is yet to come and I feel the country will be stronger. We need only to remember all things are possible through God and we all can come together if we just make the effort.

  5. Amen to the above comments. I honestly have to say I prayed for a conservative victory and against all odds (including the GOP establishment) prayers were answered. I do believe in divine intervention and feel this was the case here. Had the left been elected I just can't imagine where we would be in short order. Unsecured borders, loss of religious freedom and altered second amendment, weak military, socialized medicine and education, unsustainable entitlement payouts, and a continued exodus of corporations and loss of entrepreneurial spirit in America. Subversive groups would have become common place and finally I think the country would have been thrust into another civil war.


  6. While the lazy supporters of the past failed fat candidate sleep or lounge around on their sorry butts complaining, our good president is working all day and through the night to make their existence better.

    Trump/Pence 2020!!

  7. We are on the way to getting our country back. God bless the USA!

  8. This is what happens when you hire someone who is actually used to WORKING for a living.

  9. 8:54AM

    And is not a politician!

  10. Considering the damage done over the last eight years of tyranny, the president has a lot more work to do!

    I am thankful for what he has accomplished already - keep up the pace and good work!

  11. Bribery is not as popular as it was a few months ago.


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