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Thursday, February 09, 2017

Tom DeLay to House: Throw the Book at Ban-Blocking Judge

James Robart, the U.S. District Court judge who blocked President Donald Trump's travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations, is a power-abusing jurist who should be impeached, former House Majority leader Tom DeLay told Newsmax TV.

"I hope people understand that this district judge, James Robart, needs to be impeached," DeLay, a Texas Republican, told host Steve Malzberg on Tuesday.

"This man is abusing his power, there's no case here . . . He doesn't even refer to the Constitution in his ruling.

"It is absolutely abuse of the judiciary, a lawless judiciary that needs to be stopped. And the House of Representatives need to stop it, and they ought to start by impeaching James Robart."



  1. Walk the walk just dont talk the talk..JUST DO IT!!

  2. Considering that it is essentially the same ban that the TURD instituted while he was in office and nobody complained, this is purely political and enhances the grounds for this judge's impeachment!

    Drain the swamp!

  3. Pres. Trump needs to put together his own private police force to help get his agenda passed. These Liberals need to be removed and taught a lesson. All these fools are not letting him make America great again, they want to keep us down.

  4. Awwww, the judge is a republican appointee. How fast you turn on your own if they disagree with your opinion.

  5. Dave T: Agreed
    Can him !

  6. I don't know but it would seem to me that if a person is an illegal immigrant that they should NOT have any constitutional rights. The constitution is a U.S. document it should only be applicable to U.S. citizens. If you are not a U.S. citizen then you shouldn't have any rights under our constitution.

  7. This judge should be banned.

  8. @10:26 Well said!! Common sense but that's something democrats don't have 😏

  9. 9:30 the judge was appointed by a rino, one of the reasons trump was elected over the rino's brother! guess you still haven't figured it out yet, huh snowflake?

  10. 9:30
    True that he was appointed by Bush, however he was a give away to a Washington state senator for a favor.
    Guess you don't know how the corrupt system works.

  11. I still would like for someone to tell me WHY people that are not U.S. citizens should have any rights at all under our constitution. If they are not U.S. citizens they should have NO rights under our constitution. Our constitution is for our people. People that are U.S. citizens. Give me a break on political correctness and all this other B.S.


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