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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Therapy Dog Works His First Day Inside Pocomoke High School

POCOMOKE CITY – Pocomoke High School’s newest staff member greeted students with a wagging tail and a kind expression as he roamed the blue and gold halls this week.

Monday marked the first official day of school for Rudy, a 7-year-old golden retriever now acting as a therapy dog at Pocomoke High School (PHS).

“The kids love him,” Principal Annette Wallace said. “Everybody’s always excited to see Rudy.”

After hearing of a successful therapy dog program at a New Jersey school, Wallace jumped on the idea. She thought a friendly canine would be a great addition to PHS, where the vast majority of students — 70 percent — comes from households of poverty in southern Worcester County.

“So much of what we have to do before we do any academic work has to be relationship based,” Wallace said. “Our kids come to us with a lot of emotional baggage.”



  1. Are you kidding me..... Generation "Snowflakes" continue. They are at school to be taught! Prepare them for real life....Not everyone is a winner, it can't be.... someone has to lose!!!!

  2. Great story, great idea. Just curious why only positive stories from Worcester County make it to the press. For example, when there is a fight with 200 people on the court following a basketball game, not a word is printed. No Daily Times cover story, no breaking news on WMDT, no request to speak to parents on WBOC's Facebook page, nothing. When something negative happens in Wicomico County, there is a live feed publishing updates by the minute.

  3. Wow no-one allergic??

  4. 6:11 because it involves the black community. Large "fights" at malls, movie theatres, clubs, and even schools are involving minorities and for the press to report it would only validate what all law abiding, hard working mmiddle class people already know that we are falling apart at the racial seams and no one has the courage to spell it out.

  5. Enjoy your safe, entitled,everyone's a winner life now.The generation that is paying for this is starting to fill the graveyards.Then what snowflakes?

  6. Wow, a dog is allowed in a school and you are all so offended and turn it into culture war and start playing race cards?! Seriously? You all need help....

  7. Muslims hate dogs.

  8. Haha I can't believe so many of you are offended by letting them have a dog in school. By that logic none of us should have dogs because we have to be lean, mean fighting machines with no pleasure in our lives. Give anyone an ounce of comfort and they become a snowflake? Quit being so bitter just because your life sucks. It's a dog, they make people happy and this dog now has the best life ever

  9. Trump is President Snowflake Dog

  10. 9:15 no one said we shouldn't own dogs...Many are saying no place for it in school where students should be learning to equip them for life in a real world. Work to pay bills, learn proper speech and math! So these kids can earn a living and not stealing property from others!

  11. 10:00 So you are suggesting the presence of a dog makes it impossible to learn and will cause them to resort to a life of crime? Give me a break

  12. Just in, the dog was robbed of his lunch money! Yes Mayor and Chief Duncan, crime is down here.

  13. This would be great in all schools. Statistics they say points to murders and bad criminals before assaults on humans kill animals maybe if they learn the unconditional love of animals it may turn that switch off.

  14. The nun would have choked me and the dog with his collar, if I'd brought him to school.

  15. Some people are just spiteful. And before you call me a "Liberal" or a "Snowflake", I want you to know I voted for Trump. School is a place for education, no one is debating that. I just find it odd that so many people get up in arms about the presence of a dog in school. I mean will the students be constantly distracted by the dog? Will they be unable to learn with a dog in their presence? People like to "complain" and moan over the dumbest issues and wonder why we end up at this point in life. Who cares if the dog is at the school? I am sure they had to make sure it was legal and that they were not breaking any rules or regulations before bringing the dog into the school as well. If it makes the kids lives easier, why is it an issue? I don't think the dog is going to make them dependent on the government, I don't think the dog will cause their grades to suffer, I do think it is possible it even improves their moral and allows them to possibly focus better than before. Get off your high horse and get over yourself. If you have an issue with a dog being in school you should probably take a look at your priorities in life.

  16. 6:11 Worcester County school administration of heights so much stuff that happens in them schools from the public, your head would spin if you knew what was really going on at the high schools and middle schools. It all starts at the top


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