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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Thanks, Obama: Hillary Found A Reason For Her Loss To Trump

Hillary Clinton’s staff is still furious over her loss, and more than anything, they blame former President Barack Obama.

The camps are clashing over the heated blame game. Clinton’s side insists Obama was the biggest reason she lost, according to Clinton staffers that spoke with Axios.

They think his lack of support was more harmful than her scandals, Russian interference in the election or FBI Director James Comey’s investigation.

Obama didn’t do enough, wasn’t active enough and should have been much less cautious in imposing sanctions on Russia, Clinton’s camp said.



  1. Now it is Obama's fault????

  2. They can't wrap their puny little minds around the fact that the HildaBeast is an unconvicted criminal and enough of the country figured it out!

    Look in the mirror to find the primary fault!

  3. Those behind the scenes always said there was no love between the Obamas and Clintons. Any friendliness was just for show, for the press, for support of fellow Democrats. They did not want Hillary to win but it was a part of the plan all along when she was asked to be Secretary of State after losing to Obama.

  4. She lost because of her own short commings of course Obama is the worst president ever, but she has blood on her hands for Bengazi, and her emails that gave our secrets away she is a loss ignorant ball in high grass just look and herself and her hubby the looser.


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