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Friday, February 10, 2017

Ted Cruz: Democrats 'Filled With Rage and Fury'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's attacks on Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who was confirmed Wednesday as attorney general, reflected the Democratic Party's "rage and fury" over the outcome of the November election, Sen. Ted Cruz told Newsmax TV.

"The Senate Democrats, I mean, they are right now filled with rage and fury — and they're in a state of denial over the election," the Texas Republican told "The Joe Pags Show" in an interview.

"They're really angry at the voters.

"They're angry at the American people for voting for a Republican president, a Republican Senate, a Republican House — and they're lashing out."



  1. Democrats are rage filled people. Not only are they filled with rage but they are extremely violent people. None are immune. This applies to every single one of them. Bad people. They are like a mad dog. At any time and without warning and provocation they can turn violent. This because they have let the devil into them by supporting a party whose principles reads as the doctrine of satan. None are to be trusted. Like the snake they all lie convincingly and those not wise to their constant lying will fall for it. But never believe anything they say. They lie constantly and without shame. Walking talking filth is all they are.

  2. They have one track minds and only see things like a horse with blinders.

  3. Democrats are the true party of hate.

    Look back at their history, especially as it pertains to racism in the South.

    Totally disgraceful.


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