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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Susan Rice Calls Donald Trump’s Black Caucus Remarks ‘Offensive’

President Donald Trump's exchange with a black journalist during Thursday's whirlwind press conference has been branded "notably offensive" by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
The president was asked by reporter April Ryan whether he planned to include the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in conversations on his urban agenda.
Ryan, who is White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks in Baltimore, initially referred to the Congressional Black Caucus by its acronym, the CBC, prompting Trump to ask: "Am I going to include who?"


  1. this from the same person who lied to our whole country about benghazi who should have been fired and or jailed....talk about fake news

  2. I would first have guessed Canadian Broadcasting Company.

  3. That is because you are low information/education.

  4. April Ryan...where have I heard that name before? Oh yes...she shows up in the Podesta emails offering to set up a meeting with Hillary and black reporters, also Marcia Fudge and Shelia Jackson Lee (both members of the CBC). She was also involved in a little spat with Omarosa but isn't getting much traction out of it because no one will back up her version of events and there's supposedly a recording of the "altercation."

    You can see the emails at the Wikileaks archives. Use id 13776

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 18, 2017 at 11:56 AM

    Yes, Susan Rice is offensive. We the people still waiting for your apology on Benghazi 2012, lying b!Tch.

  6. You're correct 11:04 - she lied on every Sunday morning news show on air - again and again and again.

  7. I find the Congressional Black Caucus offensive and have been calling for them to disband for many years. They are racist at best. period

  8. Donald Trump could cure cancer and the dumbocrats would complain that he put hard working cancer researchers out of work

  9. The CBC - by its title is a racist organization...before you libtards get your pretty pink panties in a wad - racism works in all directions!

  10. Susan offended me as a Civil Servant!

  11. The Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus is RACIST!!

    By the Way Susan last time I checked you were not an Ambassador so you should change your Twitter account.

  12. The article said Trump "genuinely seems to view black people as a monolithic 'other' — a group of people who work and behave in exactly similar ways."

    Well, the CBC is all Black and they set themselves up as a "monolithic other" all by themselves, yet when it's pointed out to them, they shout "Racist lowlife".

    I don't get it. They need to break up their little club and come join the other Congressmen.

  13. Rice assumed he was uniformed because he didn't immediately know what the "CBC" stood for; maybe he thought she said "NBC" or ABC".
    Remember, he was just a citizen before this....ask 100 voters what the "CBC" is and 100 of them probably won't know.
    Constantly on the lookout for ANYTHING that will ridicule or detract, huh? Is Rice now part of a group that would find fault and be highly "offended" by Trump for even saying "good morning" to them?
    Rice is a bigot, a racist, and a liar.
    And will soon be a small, tiny footnote in history. As will her former boss.

  14. There should not be a black caucas or any other caucas for a particular race, that in itself is rascist. No one should have special privileges. And before someone who rants white privilege there is NO such thing, it's just a liberal talking point and bullying tactic.

  15. The very existence of a "black caucus" at all, is racist.


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