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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Steven Crowder Pranks Liberal Churches -Will They Accept Refugees?

Just in case any of you have ever been curious about what “virtue-signaling” looks like…look no further. Just look at the world and its’ reaction to the Muslim refugee crisis that’s circulating through.

Take a look at celebrities like J.K. Rowling who just cannot wait to tell Twitter fans how much she cares about the migrants, while at the same time totally failing herself to take in any migrants to care for with room and board. Of course this is despite have plenty of space and money to do so mind you.

As long as it’s someone else who is taking them in…just not them, right?

So with this in mind one of my favorites, Crowder went ahead and decided to prank call some local progressive churches and ask one of them a simple question.

How many refugees will you take in?



  1. Of course he didn't get any takers. Grant Meyo failed miserably!

  2. Not surprised. There is nothing Jesus like in the liberal churches.

  3. Like the late George Carlin said in one of his stand ups "not in my back yard!"

  4. How many has Vatican City taken in so far?

  5. 5:42 PM, I bet I can answer that question. ZERO

  6. "WE" does not include "ME"!


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