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Wednesday, February 01, 2017


There is a lot of confusion swirling around the events that transpired this weekend as a result of Trump’s executive order on immigration. Make no mistake: every word of Trump’s executive order is in accordance with statute.

It’s important not to conflate political arguments with legal arguments, as many liberals and far too many “conservatives” on social media are doing. While the timing and coordination of implementing this order might have been poorly planned, we shouldn’t allow that to undermine the broader need to defend our sovereignty. For courts to violate years’ worth of precedent and steal our sovereignty should concern everyone.
What the order actually does

Among other things, the key provisions at the center of the existing controversy are as follows:

It shuts off the issuance of all new immigrant and non-immigrant visas for 90 days from the following seven volatile countries: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Any non-citizen from those seven countries (not “all” Muslim countries) is excluded from entering the country during this time-period (which usually means they won’t be able to board a direct flight to America). After 30 days, the secretary of state and secretary of homeland security must submit a report to completely revamp the vetting process going forward.

Within 60 days, countries will have to submit any information that the administration determines necessary, pursuant to the findings of this report, in order to adjudicate a visa application and ensure they are properly vetted. Any country that fails to submit this information will not be able to send foreign nationals to our country. All the while, the ban can be extended and expanded at any time.

In addition, the entire refugee resettlement program is suspended for four months pending a complete investigation of the program and a plan to restructure it and prioritize those who are truly in danger of religious persecution. After 120 days, the program may resume, but only for those countries Secretaries Kelly and Tillerson determine do not pose a threat. The program from Syria is completely suspended until the president personally gives the green light.



  1. Sooner or later most thinking people will figure out the deception from the media and the dumbocrats

  2. He is a class act....The previous President probably wouldn't have even called like President Trump did the day before....CLASS!

  3. People who continue to believe the MSM is anything more than a puppet of the DNC is foolish and lazy about getting informed. Networks like MSNBC and CNN are so blatantly Liberal and pure propaganda, you'd have to be mute not to get they're not about real journalism.

  4. good lucking trying to explain this to people. I have been arguing with people for days on the internet, showing them the text of the order, other laws, Obamas' order etc. They only know Trumps' name is on it and they hate it plain and simple. Facts be damned.

    1. 6:28 because the snowflakes are melting. Having a full blown melt down because THEY LOST😂Someday they will watch themselves on tv and see just how childish they were 😒

  5. It's so good to be able to read truths.

  6. So nice to see this is a reasonable, methodical solution to an existing problem which has been left unchecked.

    Thanks, SBYNews for bringing out the actual text, not the "spin" on what the text presumably "means"!

  7. So the rollout on this was a little bumpy. Let's all go back and think about how the rollout for ObamaCare was and Obama and his staff was in place for years before it rolled it out and they still screwed it up royally.

  8. 6:28 is correct. You can even get a liberal to see the truth and they will still ignore it. I have actually had conversations where they will admit I am right on an issue, but still adamantly refuse to support the right decision. The brainwashing is just too deep!! You do have to give the democrats credit for the quality of indoctrination.

  9. It's the old "Don't confuse me with the facts, 'cause my mind's made up."

  10. 6:28 is spot on,on track minded liberals don't want the truth just propaganda.


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