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Friday, February 10, 2017

School cancels black history cotton-picking field trip

A private Catholic high school in Ohio is discontinuing an “immersive” class lesson aimed at recreating the experience of slavery, complete with spiritual music and picking genuine raw cotton.

In a letter to parents on Sunday, principal Mark Vollmer of Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngstown said the lesson presented during last Thursday’s African-American history class covered Southern agriculture prior to the Industrial Revolution. Students listened to music from the period and watched a video of a firsthand account of slaves picking cotton before going to a field themselves.

“Students were then provided the opportunity to actually feel, manipulate, and work the seeds out of genuine new cotton samples,” Vollmer wrote. “Study and then discussion ensued regarding the invention of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin and the mechanization which took over the industry.”



  1. Another bunch of snowflakes looking for a way to be offended.

  2. Keep re-writing history SNOWFLAKES...before I know it, I won't exist, this comment will not exist and...


  3. A bunch of F*n Snowflakes can't hand the truth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this lesson or field trip. Everyone is so "sensitive" about the history of slavery. WHY?? Because it makes the poor widdle bwacks feel so inferior. Well guess what Snowflakes, until they stop shooting up their neighborhoods and get and education they are always going to be inferior. Quit putting those clowns on a pedestal!! The did not build America!!

    1. Sounds like you neec to go and get educated then

  4. What??
    History is sometimes hurtful and unpleasant?
    Oh well, then.
    Let's ignore it. Even better? CHANGE it.
    I think that showing kids what REAL slavery was is VERY educational.
    It might give them some perspective on how NOT to talk about "modern day slavery" in the USA. When black kids can pull an old white guy from his car because a WHITE MAN won the Presidency, beat him bloody and steal his car and nothing happens, "modern day slavery" is definitely not we have in this country.
    Put that crap in the same dumb-ace bag as women marching for rights they already have and illegal (read that again) "immigrants" claiming people in the USA OWE them something.
    Keep cheering....for all the wrong reasons.

  5. he should ad a section where the democrats create the KKK and fight against racial equality.

  6. then I guess the Jewish history field trip is completely out of the question ...

  7. As if white sharecroppers didn't ever pick cotton...

  8. According to real history, both white and black picked cotton because it was ripe and needed to be harvested. Both were paid with housing and food and medical treatment and something we all miss: respect.

    Blacks are taking this to the ends of the Earth, literally!

    Real history is really different than Today's history.


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