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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Samsung's billionaire chief is now in a jail cell with a mattress on the floor and no shower

SEOUL (Reuters) - For Jay Y. Lee, the third-generation leader of South Korea's massive Samsung Group and scion of the country's wealthiest family, home is now a 6.56 square meter (71 square foot) detention cell with a toilet in the corner behind a partition.

He has no shower, only a wash-stand. Bed is a mattress on the floor.

The 48-year-old Lee was arrested early on Friday for his alleged role in a corruption scandal that led to the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, a decision that is being reviewed by the country's Constitutional Court.

He has denied any wrongdoing.

Lee is being held in a single cell and will not be allowed contact with other inmates, said an official at the Seoul Detention Centre, a facility on the outskirts of the city where arrested politicians and corporate chieftains are usually held, along with other detainees.

"This is a highly public case, and as you know many involved in the case were already here," the official told Reuters.



  1. This is what needs to hapen to Soros and all his underlings including obama. His action of subversion and treason from his american useful idiots needs to be addressed

  2. Agree 7:11...the rants and tirades against Trump are seditious and perpetrators should spend some time in spartan surroundings. While I believe in free speech, the rhetoric goes beyond and people like Meryl Streep and Ashley Judd are inciting anarchy.


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