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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Salisbury News Is The ONLY Media Source To Have Warned You In Advance

The House of Delegates voted to increase YOUR utility bill by overriding Governor Hogan's veto of the "Sunshine Tax." This will cost Maryland rate payers upwards of $100 million!

Now, only the Senate can stop this. Contact your Senators and tell them no more taxes! Contact them at www.StoptheSunshineTax.org.#RatesUpJobsDown

Last year, I vetoed legislation that would place yet another burden on ratepayers and taxpayers; it would be an additional charge on your energy bill each monthto pay for overly expensive solar and wind energy credits, the majority of which are created by companies outside of Maryland.

Today, certain out-of-touch members of the House of Delegates voted to override my veto and increase energy bills across the state. Those who voted “yes” voted to override the veto and raise Marylanders' monthly utility bills.

I urge you to call these representatives, let them know that you are watching and that you are sick and tired of these kinds of rate increases =>http://bit.ly/MDLEGCONTACT

Sharee Sample Hughes voted YES for this increase. She is an Idiot and needs to go!


  1. Sharee Sample Hughes , I've talked with her at Shore-Up , she is a Racist female full of of ignorance and hate towards the white race. She realizes
    the her race will be exempt from this issue because most are on entitlements and get free energy. Do the math , she will also get Trumped.

  2. Apparently they feel they can't be replaced.

  3. Raise your taxes = thank a Democrat

  4. does shore up help white people?, I sure hope so, I have no money left

    1. Yes the do enabled white peaple, i know a guy that get shure up help he works for cash gets social security , he smokes, drinks,does drugs gets food stamps ect,He once told me that he gets 1500 dollars a year for heat and only used about 700 dollars worth of oil and was afraid that he would lose the 1500 dollar allowance so he and his roommate turn the heat up and open the windows, Sickening! Also shure up helps with his elctric bill, so sad! I don't even know if you could call sometime to tell them whats going on, or who to even call ,furthermore if they would even do anything about it!

  5. She probably doesn't pay for her energy either.

  6. she voted yes bc her welfare friends ger FREE ELECTRIC paid for by TAX PAYERS.

  7. Joe you should postvthe contact names.

  8. Go to the link i just did and fill out the complaint.

  9. Makes you wonder who they REALLY "represent", huh?
    And you keep voting them back in....
    They laugh at you behind your back....

  10. Taxes to pay for the renewables?

    Another Solyndra

    1. no to pay for the welfare crowds free electric.

  11. WHAT can the Rep do if they overode the gov ??

  12. The Baltimore Sun states in their Jan. 23 FACT CHECK SECTION: "...doesn't impose a tax or even a fee to" electric customers. "The costs are not charged to ratepayers in the form of a tax or fee, but are baked into the electricity costs" THIS IS HOW LIBERALS THINK!!! Same argument they used about Obama-care.
    Any increase in fees or expenses due to a government regulation is a tax, you f- ing idiots.
    I think we should start being a little nicer to liberals. You know, how you are when you meet a mentally-challenged person....you have to feel a little sorry for them due to their diminished mental capacity.
    WTF!?!? Not a tax! Seriously?!
    One more example of the MSM spreading fake news propaganda as real news in a FACT CHECK ARTICLE. they actually lie in their own fact- check. Unbelievable!
    Thank you Joe for the REAL FACT CHECKS!

  13. Sheree Sample Hughes is in a minority district, there's no time soon before she decides she wants to leave

  14. Hopefully 4 democrats who claim to be conservatives vote no so it fails

  15. Threaten recall petitions. Taking their mouth off the govt teet is the only thing they fear. EVERYONE DO THIS. I sent an email yesterday through the link Joe posted and got a call from Carl Anderton immediately! It works people.

  16. How can dems do this when REPUBLICANS are the Majority with a Rep gov ?.

  17. Trump needs to put these welfare thugs back to work so these companys wouldnt need hikes.

  18. This is why the Eastern Shore is being littered with utility solar. Look at Public Service Commission CASE 9393 and the Testimony of Dwight Etheridge. The electricity will be shipped off the shore while charging us ILLEGALLY for the transmission it needs to get it there. Solar development on our farmlands, devalues farming while costing local jobs. The poultry industry will be devastated by the increase in utility rates while Eastern Shore families who pay $200 per month will now pay $300. This has already happened in the Canada provinces that have wind and solar and in Germany. Please contact James Mathias because he is also part of the problem.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Apparently they feel they can't be replaced.

    February 1, 2017 at 6:38 AM

    OF course they won't be replaced, you clowns keep voting them right back in!!!!!!

  20. The price of chicken and candles will skyrocket. Welfare assistance will likely be cut/reduced shortly behind this{the sate has already lost billions}.... the price of everything will rise drastically to compensate the cost to operate.

    1. If people where not on welfare for 5 10 15 20 30 yrs states wouldnt be in trouble thank a democRAT.

  21. We got rid of her here locally - and shipped her sorry @$$ further up the chain!

    Another turd of the same ilk we just got rid of! How do they keep getting elected and reelected?!

    1. welfare votes bc there are no repub in da guetto.

  22. Its sad when one no longer can vote for "party" affiliation, one MUST vote their pocket book/wallet!!

    Also, no one should EVER vote for friends. Good gosh no.

  23. I'm sure his rulers will give Liberal Jim a pass on this one

  24. She is just carrying on the traditional liberal policies of her predecessor Rudy Cane. As you may recall, she was his chosen heir. They knew she would provide continuation of the same tired Maryland Democratic policies.

  25. Democrats in the tank with environmentalists and groups that pay their way.

  26. They are as bad as Comcast with their "fees".

  27. Well there goes the NAACP support. How in world does she think she'll have the black voters support when she votes to increase minorities electric bills.

    I'll tell you who this bill hurts the most, it's the minorities and poor. Sharee Sample Hughes ought to be scolded by the NAACP - and rightfully so.

  28. Rudy Cane would roll over in his grave if he knew she voted in support of an electric bill increase on the poor and unfortunate. I can tell you first hand that that Sharee Sample Hughe's vote for an electric rate increase will have ramifications on her career in the District.

  29. To 8:00 AM Poster -

    I agree. And a recall of her would be in perfect order as it shows she's out of touch with her constituency in her district.

  30. Her voting in favor of an electric rate increase is almost guaranteed to cause a ruckus in her district. The best she can hope for is that her vote will go unnoticed and hope that the story is swept under the rug. Otherwise, she could very well be replaced when her record is exposed come election time.

  31. She is a racist as bad as racist Rudy Cane she replaced.

  32. Looks as though there might be a new face in Annapolis come next election. This is definitely a black mark on her career and I would not be the least bit surprised if she is replaced. Especially when her voting record is revealed.


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