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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Salisbury Mayor & Police Preparing For The Worst

The mere fact they are planning to close streets in Downtown Salisbury and are dedicating so many additional Police Officers tells us they are being proactive. Why, because LIBERALS have a proven record of becoming violent. However, unlike Baltimore, this is the Eastern Shore and the outcome could in fact be scary.

We at Salisbury News have openly requested that Conservatives ignore this event and let the Molly's of the Shore blow off some steam and get their 15 minutes of fame. I have also asked other organizations to do the same, God Forbid something or someone NOT affiliated with their group/cause get out of line.

Nevertheless, we are continuing to learn that other outside organizations and even bikers are planning to attend and support their new President. 

So people, WHY TAKE THE RISK. Anyone who thinks this will be educational for their children and want to bring them to this event, you should be charged with child abuse if something happens. 

So you also know, the Sheriffs Department is also on call and may even show their presence at this event as well. Everyone attending this event should shake each and every one of these Officers hands and thank them for their service. 

For those of you who continue to ask if I will be attending, the answer is absolutely not. Will we have people there, absolutely. However, I will NOT be egged on by these unstable Liberals or anyone else. It's NOT safe to be there and I for one am not stupid. Besides, I think ALL of you know I support President Donald Trump.


  1. I view this as a great opportunity to see what local business owners come out and support this Marxist, anti-American ideology. Then the folks that find this kind of anti-Americanism abhorrent can choose where to spend their hard earned dollars wisely.

  2. I'm conservative, a little curious, but usually avoid something like this, just because of the hassle, not having a readily available place to pee, and I just don't care for crowds. BUT, I might just meander over to see Eric and Jack get my hair cut and check on them. Never know, these freaks might go crazy breaking windows and such. Be safe Eric and Jack!

  3. When does that circus start tomorrow?

  4. The only people talking about violence is the protesters. They feel they might get noticed by creating a riot...I would close all business's downtown during.


  5. You know darn well people won't bring children to a event planned by nut jobs, leaf or right.

    Too much emphases being put on this non-event. Even with beautiful weather, no one cares about this crap. It will be a flop. As for as police, no big deal to them. The good sheriff won't need to put the boy's and girl's in uniform in harms way. This is not ground zero. Want to place bets?

  6. Simple - if they get out of line, lock them up.
    If they get out of line and you refuse to lock them up, the rest of us will then know how you stand on supporting BS liberal causes instead of protecting the citizens!

  7. Agree, don't get within miles. This merely fuels their tirades and with no one watching and poor turnout, their fuse will soon fizzle.

  8. What are you referring to?

  9. It will not be well attended. Many good things to do outside, and there are two funeral services for two very good men.

  10. Not standing up to these lefties lets them win the day.

  11. actually since the libs do no like the police, the cops should take a hands off approach.

    they should just assemble a few blocks from things, and when the riots start com in with pepper spray, tear gas, and a paddy wagon

  12. jOE- You act and talk like a leader, please run for the Mayors Office the next election. We have got to get some real leaders for the city government, starting at the top and down.

  13. Joe,

    I agree with your assessment - the liberal left is looking for any opportunity to draw attention to itself, and potentially violent encounters are right out of the playbook. It is best to give them no audience at all and let them blow off steam - if there is no one to report on them from the media (although I am sure that WBOC will jump at the chance), and there is no one to get a reaction from, what can be accomplished? I can assure your readership that President Trump does not need us to stand up for him - he more likely needs us to continue to speak our mind with our votes and ignore these acts as nothing more than what they are - the rantings of sore losers looking for trouble.



  14. Bikers? The liberal candya** wantabe relevant bikers that want to build bike lanes all over city for the section 8 crowd living downtown?

  15. I sure hope they dont trash roadiejoes.

  16. I am a conservative. I am a Republican.
    I will be attending in protest of Trump.

    Quite sure that Salisbury News will not print this

  17. Ok all straight from her rally FB page...this is an anti trump rally....one of many planned tomorrow around the country...

  18. I sure hope the kids at Salis U stay away....plus the Boat Show in OC is a better alternative and the weather will be great!

  19. I work two jobs like most of us these days. My sat will not be spent listening to a liar and FAKE NEWS. #mollytypo#molllyjobless

  20. "Anonymous said...

    I am a conservative. I am a Republican.
    I will be attending in protest of Trump.

    Quite sure that Salisbury News will not print this

    February 17, 2017 at 12:43 PM"

    Why? According to Molly Lies A Lot it is NOT a protest against Trump. You know Molly. She works for Delmarva Public Radio as an ad copywriter I mean Delmarva Broadcasting I mean Rothschild Broadcasting as a freelance writer.

  21. She hold signs putting down law enforcement but then calls them to close roads down and provide protection?According to her signs le will come shoot everyone... She is full of crap. I'm so glad President Trump won. At least now I know how many lying crazy people not to hire. Delmar pizza lost a steady flow of cash from me on Fridays.

  22. 12:43 you are not a conservative. If so you would be cheering everything Trump has done so far. Everything he has done is to strengthen this nation and the opposite of the globalist/socialist agenda. I never supported Trump (personally don't like him)through the primaries but I have to say I've liked what I have seen out of this President so far.

  23. They need to make Molly pay for all costs associated with this protest. And for future reference all protest need to be signed off with a responsible party. If a protest has to be registered then they need to be responsible for all costs and damages.

  24. I just got back into town. What is this all about?

  25. I agree with you totally Joe. There is no reason to attend this demonstration. As a registered Conservative, I have learned a long time ago that you can not use logic when dealing with illogical people. You can not be reasonable with unreasonable people. When people only think with emotion only failure is reached.

  26. Trump is doing a great job. Five aides were escorted out of the WH for failing security clearances, nobody wants Flynn's job, and he is headed back to FL this weekend. His travel cost are going to greater than Obamas. Melania has a whole other security team in NY.

    Regreting supporting Trump. He is failing so far.

  27. The old aggressive female in the picture is just trying to impress her friends with her toughie act so they will have something to talk about, late at night while they're all "chewing the fat".

  28. Five aids were escorted out of the WH for failing security clearances 2:30? Really? Do tell us more or is this just more of the lies you all can't control yourselves from telling.
    No one wants Flynn's job? Really? There are several out there who wanted the job before Flynn was announced. General Petraeus being one.
    So this is Lie #1 possibly #2.
    When President Trump's travel costs get greater then Obamas then we will talk. I guess we won't be talking because that's never going to happen.
    As far as Melania having a "whole other security team in NY." The president's private residence always has "a whole other security team" in attendance whether the president is in residence, at the White House or in Russia! That is why President GW Bush only went on vacations to the TX ranch or Kennebunkport or Camp David. They were places that were already secure and protected by Secret Service. The First Lady and her child no matter where they are have their own Secret Service detail too. So there is no extra security as you are claiming.
    Now come back tomorrow with another uninformed comment and I will be sure to educate you some more. I'm trying to be kind to you low information never get out much types.

  29. It's not so much as being reasonable with unreasonable people. These aren't simply just unreasonable people. They are bold faced pathological and habitual liars. There in nothing that can be done for them until they own up to their lying which is a form of mental illness.

  30. 2:30, ??? TPTB and the 'shadow gov' have declared war against Pres.Trump.
    He's leading from out front,but needs our help and support.Did you think you could just cast your vote and he would do all the work?

  31. Oh you know there are going to be thugs crusing for trouble. Better not park your car anywhere near this.

  32. Protest in downtown and you can't even steal a T.V.

  33. Protesters are losers

  34. Joe, As always,good advice and recommendations for the public's safety.

    11:58 Paladin, As usual, good statement and comments.

    In the Thoughts of Sun Tzu:

    "Know your enemy." Molly and her ilk are the tail of the snake. TPTB and the 'shadow gov.' are the head of the snake which needs to be destroyed.

    "If at all possible,choose your time and place for battle." This is not our time or place and nothing good can come of it.The protest has no value tactically or strategically,and a risk for a lose-lose event for us. Let it be a loss for them politically and morally.

    To the gungho'ers, this may look like an opportunity for some 'hissing n spitting',and possibly even some 'sticks n stone throwing'. But put
    ego-self aside and save it for the real battles ahead.

  35. First of all, 11:59, thank you! lol! Second, I will be there as a fly on the wall and report accordingly. Free wifi there!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Ok all straight from her rally FB page...this is an anti trump rally....one of many planned tomorrow around the country...

    February 17, 2017 at 12:45 PM

    Did you screen capture her comment? If so send it to Joe to print.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Not standing up to these lefties lets them win the day.

    February 17, 2017 at 11:33 AM

    Absolutely correct!

  38. Anonymous said...
    2:30, ??? TPTB and the 'shadow gov' have declared war against Pres.Trump.
    He's leading from out front,but needs our help and support.Did you think you could just cast your vote and he would do all the work?

    February 17, 2017 at 3:46 PM

    EXACTLY!! That is why Republicans keep losing to Democrats. They play hard and they are grass roots ground pounders. So call Republicans are lazy keyboard warriors. The Democrats will start taking back the House, Senate and Presidency. We will have a new president in 2020 because of the lazy do nothing "Conservatives." Just like this protest the socalled conservatives are making excuses not to go and Joe is encouraging them to stay home. That is bad news and a bad mistake. We need to go in there and hit them hard.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Trump is doing a great job. Five aides were escorted out of the WH for failing security clearances, nobody wants Flynn's job, and he is headed back to FL this weekend. His travel cost are going to greater than Obamas. Melania has a whole other security team in NY.

    Regreting supporting Trump. He is failing so far.

    February 17, 2017 at 2:30 PM

    Trump is not failing you little TWAT!. The 5 aids failing security clearances were leftovers from the Obama Administration you dumb shit! As a matter of fact Obama failed security clearances to be in the White House as well but you failed to mention that. As a matter of fact he would have never and should have never been elected president, but because of you Douche Bags the rest is history....

  40. I bet no one going will be wearing work boots...
    Big Mike

  41. I heard there will be a pro Trump rally in Salisbury today -- when & where???

  42. Nope, maybe not work boots, but possibly heels as that is how us professionals normally dress.


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