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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Salisbury City Council Agenda Packet for 2-27-17

There are 128 pages to this file. It may take longer than usual to display for some.


  1. More cameras? Hmm I wonder where they will be putting those. Lots of resolutions this week and lots of money being spent.

  2. Looks like the City is planning on screwing their employees. Nothing like losing employees to other governments.

    Resolution No. 2733 - revising employee health care benefits upon retirement from the currently required 10 years of employment to 20 years of employment for eligibility and limiting the City’s contribution for all retired employees to no more than a maximum benefit amount

  3. I seem to remember years ago in response to rising taxes there was this thing called "make growth pay for growth" whereas new construction was charged to cover some of the costs for new infrastructure. Everything was good it seems until the double whammy of the economy (housing bubble) and then the sprinkler law. Now they want to cut these fees (res. 2734) to encourage new single family homes. This seems to me to be an end around to get taxpayers to subsidize sprinkler systems. Or am I off base here? I would like to hear what others think of this. Thanks.

  4. More paid firemen.

    Proposed agenda items for March 13, 2017 Meeting

    • Ordinance No. ____- 2nd reading- Budget Amendment- Fire Department Staffing Plan

  5. I went to a paid firemens Facebook page and for the past couple of days he has been making childish jokes about the Station #1 volunteers. He is calling them uneducated rednecks that drive big 4x4 pickup trucks. He has a picture of a very overweight fireman climbing a ladder asking where the truck is. There are pictures of Boss Hogg on there, a name that he obviously called one of the members from Station #1 on your post on their exit from the city. I mean there are a lot of childish and immature jokes on that paid fireman's page. Don't protect this guy because he is known to call you and ask you to take things down and you have even censored comments about him, but the public needs to know how immature this fire chief is.

    What is sad is the fact that that paid fireman is a ranking Assistant Chief in the Salisbury Fire Department. What is even sadder is the fact that our Mayor is Facebook friends of this Assistant Chief and "Liking" his childish jokes, pictures and memes.

    Another sad event is the fact that the Vice President of the Salisbury City Council is also Facebook Friends with this paid assistant fire chief and he is also "Liking" these childish comments. Not only that you have Vice President Muir Boda liking and making comments and participating in this childish behavior.

    Another participant in this childish behavior is the wife of the Salisbury Fire Department's paid Deputy Fire Chief. Deputy Chief John Tull's wife, who's name is Beverly is also "Liking" these childish comments about the Volunteers at Station #1. Another fact is that this same individual, Beverly Tull is an employee of the Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver. Beverly Tull works for the Planning and Zoning Department of Wicomico County. She is also involved in code enforcement and the Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

    Other participants include Rob Frampton who is a paid Fire Captain with the Salisbury Fire Department and an aspiring Fire Chief. He is sucking up to Jake Day in hopes that he will get hired by Jake Day as your next Salisbury Fire Chief.

    Countless other participants in this childish Social Media behavior against the Volunteers of the Salisbury Fire Department, Station #1 are many of the paid firemen of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    The City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department is supposed to have a strict Social Media policy.

    Funny how that doesn't apply to the Salisbury Mayor Jake Day, Salisbury City Council Vice President Muir Boda, Salisbury Assistant Fire Chief Bryan Records, Salisbury Fire Captain and Paramedic Rob Frampton, Wicomico County P&Z Secretary Beverly Tull(wife of paid Salisbury Deputy Chief John Tull) and numerous other paid firemen. There were also childish comments by a few Worcester County Sheriff's Deputies.

    Very childish and immature of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Salisbury City Council President Muir Boda I would say!

    Makes me wonder if these paid firemen and paramedics would intentionally let a house burn or a patient die if they were members or volunteers of Station #1?? Makes me wonder if they lived in the County and the County Executives code enforcement girl would allow citations of these same members.

    Don't even bother to delete your comments or your likes because many of us have already made screen captures of them and we will be sending them to Mr. Albero.

  6. Get a grip! You guys are the biggest bunch of pansies I have ever seen. "He stole my GI Joe, so I'm gonna cry about and throw a temper tantrum, and write a note to Joe".....You guys are pathetic! Grow a set of balls and call the people out to their face!


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