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Monday, February 20, 2017

Russian ambassador to the UN dies after passing out at embassy

Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations died Monday morning after suffering heart problems at the embassy in Manhattan, sources told The Post.

Vitaly Churkin was at the Russian embassy on East 67th Street when he became sick with a “cardiac condition” around 9:30 a.m., sources said.

His death was announced at a UN meeting.



  1. CIA got to him... watch heart attack with poison that is untraceable right>?

  2. Got him just like Bretbart... or how ever it is spelled, really don't care...

  3. Cia and Killary's people got him

  4. 12:56 Typical born here, don' care and too lazy to look it up. That's why we won't hire them.

  5. 1:46--
    Sooo, all "from-heres" are lazy & that's why you don't hire them? Discriminate much? Some of us are quite productive, honest and don't appreciate being lumped with whoever you chose not to hire.

    Go crawl back under your rock for your afternoon nap. Hope nobody figures out your place of employment, or the business might not fare well afterwards, as some will bid it farewell!

  6. 1256 His name was Andrew Breitbart.


  7. How exactly was the ambassador related to the despot in N. Korea?

  8. We'll never really know...


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