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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Ron Paul Warns: "Second Financial Bubble Going To Burst Soon... Even Trump Can't Stop It"

By all appearances notes SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo, President Trump is doing his damnedest to turn around the economy, revitalize jobs and bring back prosperity. But the larger trends are already in place; the cycle is turning, and the bust cannot be put off forever.

Federal Reserve policy has literally set the country up for collapse, and though the central bank has been very creative in making the impossible work, and putting off disaster, nothing can hold back the flood forever.

Unfortunately, it looks like Trump may be blamed for a financial crisis that he didn’t cause. Analysts, including notably Brandon Smith, may be correct in pinpointing the attempt to use the new and highly controversial president as a scapegoat for the dirty work of the bankers.

The conditions are there, and the consequences were built in when the bubble was still being pumped up. Someday it will burst. When, how, and how bad remains to be seen.

Ron Paul: Economic Collapse Imminent - Trump will Get the Blame Instead of the FED


  1. A hot air balloon can only stay afloat for only so long. The Fed, by keeping rates so low for so long, has forced people on fixed incomes into the stock market so they can afford to pay for food, shelter and rising health care costs. So, when the market starts to pull back, these poor, unsuspecting investors will panic and start our next correction.
    The MSM will blame it all on Trump
    Mark my word on that. If you have profits from stock gains, think about cashing in your chips. No one ever went broke taking a profit.

  2. I believe President Trump is a God fearing man. Lets pray the lord blesses us and helps us get through this.

  3. Hold on folks....this is correct.


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