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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Ritual of the Radical Left

Makes sense now, doesn't it?


  1. Didn't know Molly had a twin or is this merely Molly in her man-clothes?

  2. This is truly what the United States has come down to. Sad!

  3. Dave T: Sounds about right, but it's far from what the nation has come down to. I see it more like the few bad apples in the bunch have found a new low.

  4. Sign these POS up to the Military special Snowflake Coward Unit......SCU.

  5. I have a cousin who would go into melt down mode when we were younger and he was being reprimanded. Successful tactic as his parents would back down as he dried his fake crocodile tears. Even as a young boy I could see through the charade and see the same modus operandi in today's liberals.

  6. Bring back the draft!


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