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Monday, February 13, 2017

Republicans Should Make Elizabeth Warren The Voice Of Democrat

First of all, despite the martyr act, no one has the power to “silence” Sen. Elizabeth Warren — and that’s a good thing. On the other hand, the impulse to silence Warren is completely rational, and it has nothing to do with her gender, ancestry, or ideology. It has everything to do with her sanctimonious lecturing, habitual dishonesty, and disregard of “norms.” She’s been a bully her entire career.

But when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pulled Rule 19, which prohibits all members from taking to the floor and “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator,” I assumed it was a failure in the optics department. (Not to mention an arbitrary, speech-inhibiting rule that should not be used, but that’s another story.)

Shutting down a female senator while she’s reading a letter from civil rights icon Coretta Scott King is a bit on the nose, even for the GOP. “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted,” McConnell mansplained. The incident was transformed into Twitter hashtags #LetLizSpeak and the less catchy #ShePersisted. Both went viral, instilling millions of Democrats with a new sense of purpose. Hashtags > voting.

It seemed pretty obvious to me that the nomination of Jeff Sessions as attorney general was likely a done deal. So it was unlikely any persuadable voter would have even heard about Warren’s grandstanding if it weren’t for the kerfuffle. If it were up to me, however, I’d let Warren speak whenever she wanted to — ceding my time, if necessary — for as long as she wanted on any stage she demanded. The more she speaks, the better for conservatives.



  1. There's a time when internal conflicts, a person's age, information overload and a dozen other variables all merge to create someone who no longer makes sense. Warren has reached that point.

  2. 3:35 - She needs to use the power of Facebook like others have to declare a sexual orientation or heritage. Yeah, she tried "being a squaw" but that only got her a discount in law school.

  3. She should be.. or maybe Polosi....be made the poster child for the failing Democratic Party. Ronald McDonald is busy pushing the new Big Mac, so he's taken.


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