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Thursday, February 09, 2017

Report: Saudis Paying to Get Vets to Oppose 9/11 Law

Saudi Arabia is paying a public relations firm to convince American veterans to go to Washington, D.C. and tell members of Congress they oppose a new federal law that allows civil lawsuits against state sponsors of terrorism, The Daily Caller reports.

And the Saudi government appears to be paying for luxurious trips to Capitol Hill for the vets, including stays at the $500-per-night Trump International Hotel, the website claims.

The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) allows Americans to file civil claims against foreign governments. The court cases are permitted for terrorist attacks taking place in the U.S. and carried out by designated foreign terrorist groups. It was enacted to help families of victims in the 9/11 attack.

Republican senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have proposed an amendment that would allow Americans to sue governments for any attacks only if the nations "knowingly engage with a terrorist organization directly or indirectly, including financing," The Daily Caller says.

Now, Saudi Arabia is paying the public relations firm, Qorvis MSLGROUP, to lobby for the amendment, the website says.



  1. This is another jihad group funded by muslim brother hood. That shuts down any resistance to the islamic war we are currently in. You see islam has many Jihad fronts. not just bombs and battlefields! it involves migration, political disinformation and propaganda wings! all the pushing to instill an Islamic caliphate! It apears allot are asleep and unware of the attack currently in progress. TRUMP sees it!

  2. John McCain took $1 million from the saudis he is a Treasonous pos.

  3. You can't blame then for trying. They looked at American politicians, saw they were for sale (cough, John McCain) and thought hey, why not try? They're cheap dirtbags but they are not slow to catch on.


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