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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Report Indicates Nearly One-Third Of Worcester Households Struggling Financially

SALISBURY – Approximately 31 percent of households in Worcester County are struggling to afford basic needs, according to a recent United Way report on Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) individuals. But statistics show these percentages are higher in half of the county’s municipalities identified in the data.

In a snapshot of six municipalities – Berlin, West Ocean City, Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Snow Hill and Pocomoke – a larger proportion of households in three of the aforementioned towns – Pocomoke, Snow Hill and Berlin – suffer from some sort of financial instability.

Approximately 56 percent of Pocomoke’s 1,484 households, 47 percent of Snow Hill’s 912 households, and 35 percent of Berlin’s 1,635 households are living below the ALICE threshold – with incomes either below the cost of living or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

Pam Gregory, community impact director for United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore (one of nine United Way partners of the report), said many factors account for the high percentage of working households within the county struggling to afford basic necessities – housing, food, transportation, childcare, healthcare, taxes and other miscellaneous costs.



  1. DO ya think it has anything to do with taxes and fees all over the place???

  2. When you only bring home 2/3 of what you earn it can be a problem. But let's keep blaming the backbone of America for electing Trump. This is an example of why I voted for him. You may be worried about which bathroom you can use, I am more worried about my family being able to afford their bills!

  3. and 3:37 low and stagnant wages because too many butts for so few seats. This is the result of liberal immigration policies. Too many employees competing for jobs. Should be the employers have to compete with offering higher wages and benefits.

  4. Isn't that what the Democrats want? Thanks, Liberal Jim.

  5. Have anything to do with low education levels, backwards good ole boy network and potential employees that don't show up for work most of the time due to various "recreational" activities. All those garnishments really hurts the take home pay too.

  6. Dave T: Thanks for posting this reality check for those Marylanders who might be thinking our last president actually did something for the people. Got news for ya -- he didn't! More proof here as one can easily see. But I guess that reality isn't visible from the ivory tower for those who claim to be the public servants looking out for Maryland. What a travesty it would be if politicians elected to office actually went there and did their job. Now, we finally have someone whose doing it and the people are shocked. How ridiculous. We struggle, sacrifice and work so the elite can cheat and manipulate their way through daily comforts and special privilege.

  7. Not surprised about Pocomoke's percentage, look at all the low income housing/apartments around that town.

  8. Thank you Senator Mathias for abandoning your constituents. Just like President Obama, you talk the talk but no way near walk the walk. Mike McDermitt(sp) was the answer; a man of action but the shore continues to support the "do nothings".

  9. I'm just gonna say it. The three places they listed have the highest population of blacks in Worcester County. There is no way that if you need money you can't get to ocean city and make more than what you need in the summer. While I do agree with the fact the taxes and fees in Worcester County are way too high, that doesn't change the fact there is plenty of work and money for those willing to work to earn it. Maybe the liberal teet isn't as nourishing as it once was? Just wait till Trump really gets going. I hope these people (yes, I said these people) will finally get off their butts and work to take care of themselves for once.


  10. 4:20
    So true, sure hope Mr.Mike will run again. He did well in Annapolis and missed the election by a small shot. We need him in as The Trump Train comes along.

  11. Other miscellaneous costs. AKA drugs, liquor, and smokes.

  12. A lot of people in this category seem to have enough money for goofy tattoos and smokes. Not saving a dime for a rainy day.

  13. actually research the salaries for the staff at united way. Momme is making a killing and so are the rest. Tug at my heart strings a little more please!

  14. Brian A. Gallagher, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide, earns $1.2 million.
    cry me a river!

  15. Last paycheck was $14,800. Take home was $8200. (440 went to 401k but still)....taxes ate almost half of it. The media has everyone convinced that we need government mandated Kumbayah circle time....meanwhile, we are being robbed blind!

  16. Respectfully - I'm not sure where you are receiving this research on United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore's salaries, but I highly doubt it's credible. Our local United Way's "over-head costs" are far below the national average for non-profits. They truly make sure the donations go to local programs to help our neighbors in need. They are completely transparent on their operations and you can learn more at www.unitedway4us.org.

  17. 10:31 I call BS on you. Ever heard of google? the research is easy. Tons of failures on united ways part over the years to control how funds are spent. One of the worst charities. and yes the salaries are exorbitant for a charity. So peddle you liberals bs elsewhere! facts matter!


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