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Monday, February 06, 2017

Report: Comments Deleted, Facebookers Banned From Gov.’s Page For Anti-Trump Posts

BALTIMORE (WJZ/AP) — Comments were deleted and at least three people say they were banned from posting on Govenor Larry Hogan’s Facebook page after a flood of digital requests asking the Republican to speak out against some of President Donald Trump’s stances.

Hogan spokesman Doug Mayer told The Baltimore Sun that the press staff deleted comments about Trump to prevent “coordinated political spam attacks from infiltrating and hijacking the page.”

“We have an obligation to the 146,000 people who like the governor’s page to keep the conversation fresh, appropriate, and on topic,” he said.

Hogan was vocal about not supporting Trump’s candidacy and didn’t vote for him, but he’s stayed largely quiet on the administration’s actions since the Jan. 20 inauguration.



  1. Larry opened this door with his refusal to support Donald Trump during the elections. The negative Trump commenters are just more of George Soros's Paid Liberal Democrat puppets. I say block all of them. Remove their access permanently. When they muster together on a main stream media story, they dominate with their liberal, mean spirited, nut job babble. Stopping them from commenting, I really like that.

  2. Joe why dont you run for office. You seem to have all the answers and the back bone this area needs..

    1. I second!!! Please run Joe

    2. I think he should run against Mathis, that man needs to go!

  3. Really how is this making headlines... Just 3 ppl banned... MSM

  4. Hogan can't control the State Senate majority and those fools are gonna piss off Donald enough to have all our Federal Funding pulled. Guess we'll be in the soup after that!

  5. I firmly agree with Hogan's decision here. If commenters can't stay on topic and are just looking to stir the pot, they should be rejected or deleted. Liberals like Chuck Cook will go on the site and use it against him. Hogan should stop ALL comments and if someone has something to say they can e-mail the Governor directly.

  6. Hogan is doing a "Humpty Dumpy" because of all the Democrats. Only way to get ANYTHING done.

  7. I applaude Governor Hogan, this man has Ba**s. I don't care what you say. To run and win in a blue state is one thing, but to navigate it and work the job once won, it's got to be such a pain! You know he wants things for us; you know the "D's" want the opposite.

    He chooses his battles, not out to win the war just yet. Just keep cool and understand things like "strategy" and "technique".


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