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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Proposal makes Maryland a 'sanctuary' state

Democrats in Annapolis are preparing a slew of legislation and other initiatives that they say are direct responses to President Donald Trump and anticipated changes in federal policy. Among them is a bill that would make Maryland a sanctuary state for immigrants without legal status.

Sen. Victor Ramirez, the bill’s sponsor, calls it the “Maryland Trust Act.” The Prince George’s County Democrat said the goal is to ensure that immigrants continue to trust their local police.

“If we allow local law enforcement or local law enforcement is forced to act as immigration agents, what that does is it undermines the community’s trust in policing,” he said. “It affects all of us.”



  1. Trump needs to go after business's that employ illegals.

  2. BS. Illegal is illegal. Round them up and ship them out. Stop playing with fire and going against trump. There will be hell to pay for those cities.

  3. Exactly what I am talking about. And you have the nerve to make sport of Sussex County. Cesspool is right in describing MD.

  4. Lets see what our Governor has to say about this?

  5. And we the people need to stop supporting businesses that employ illegals - including the farms.

  6. 9:09 say goodbye to all the food that's picked around here then

  7. this must be stopped now. period

  8. I know it affects my small contracting company tremendously,no way to compete against sub standard wages.When a contractor houses 20 of them and threatens them not to tell how much they make and even gets some back on state wage jobs.Told state officials they go investigate,workers tell them what they want to hear and that's it, been going on for years.

  9. "Sen. Victor Ramirez" Hmmm, I wonder where his roots are!! I say HELL NO on the Sanctuary State.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Exactly what I am talking about. And you have the nerve to make sport of Sussex County. Cesspool is right in describing MD.

    February 6, 2017 at 9:24 AM

    Sussex County has been a cesspool of illegal aliens for many years. Don't even go there. Delaware is more Soft Hearted Liberal Democrat than Maryland.

  11. Anonymous said...
    9:09 say goodbye to all the food that's picked around here then

    February 6, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    And that makes it Ok to allow those dirt bag criminals in this country!! I wish I knew who you were because I would go put a whooping on your liberal ass!! This civil war is looming and it's people like you that are causing it and guess what?? You and your type are going to lose.

  12. Democrats seriously worried about their illegal alien voter base. Basically, criminals looking out for other criminals.

  13. "And we the people need to stop supporting businesses that employ illegals - including the farms. "

    Correct. If immigrant labor is absolutely necessary, it can be done with temporary visas (and tracking) so they are legal. They will also be safer and properly paid, because they will not be afraid of being caught.

  14. shows you how stupid some our so called leaders are. thanks sjd

  15. Help us out - who do we write to to voice our opinion that we do not want to be a sanctuary state?

  16. 9:56 is just another redneck bully with nothing to contribute but name calling and half witted children.

  17. Illegals must be stopped at the border. Ordinary citizens cannot stop them if those in charge let them find sanctuary here.
    Illegals take massive amounts of our tax dollars while placing our health and safety at risk.
    Rise UP!

  18. I wonder how many are contacting their Politians by calling, emailing and in person if possible? Another question is how many is voting every election, since 90% of the complainers probably have never voted?

  19. Good points, 11:03.

  20. have the welfare crowd go pick in the fields. I wonder how long they would do that before they go get a real job.

  21. Maryland should think long and hard before taking hard stance on sanctuary status because once defunded by Federal government it's anyone's guess how long it would take to get back into that former money train status again. Trump administration is within their constitutional right to defund anything or any place it deems as not being for the good of the US as a whole. If MD should take this ignorant stance they would be more likely given the proximity to DC to suffer greater cuts than say MN. Can MD really afford to be cut off Fed tit? I seriously doubt it. Illegals aren't worth the monetary opportunity cost.

  22. It's been many experience when you do complain, you're put on a 'list' in their office. One reason I stopped calling their offices! After Trump will never vote for people who are out of touch and isolated from the people they're supposed to represent ever again. They've lost my vote.

  23. “If we allow local law enforcement or local law enforcement is forced to act as immigration agents, what that does is it undermines the community’s trust in policing,” he said. “It affects all of us.”

    They have the same oath to defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. It's easier to stop them now when they are fewer in number than letting them keep coming and build up their strength.

  24. Maryland should not be a sanctuary state. This is only the doings of the Democrats. It is a part of the local law enforcement's job to arrest illegal immigrants because they are breaking the law. There should not even be a discussion on this. If they see a criminal breaking into a bank they arrest them. It is the same thing. Anyone breaking the law should be arrested. That being said it is just another part of their job to arrest illegals. Listen to the words "ILLEGALS". What does that tell you. Wake up snowflakes and join the real world.

  25. This is something that shouldn't be allowed our first concern should be Americans already living here as legals but handled at the Federal level and according to law. The state does not have enough people to do background checks let ICE, Border guards and the President handle it.

  26. What's that saying you guys like so much? Oh, yeah: If you don't like it, just leave!


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