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Friday, February 10, 2017

Prominent Republicans Push Carbon Tax in White House Meeting

A group of prominent Republicans and business leaders pitched a tax on carbon dioxide to top White House aides Wednesday, selling the plan as an economic win that could drive job growth and yield environmental dividends too.

Former Secretary of State James Baker and other members of the new "Climate Leadership Council" pressed the case in a 45-minute meeting in the Roosevelt Room that included President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser Gary Cohn, Chief of StaffReince Priebus and senior aide Kellyanne Conway.

"The signs were very encouraging," Ted Halstead, who founded the council, said after the meeting. "Two weeks into this new administration, we have positioned our solution as the most promising climate solution -- if they want to go there."



  1. Morons. Since when is a tax an incentive to create jobs... FMTT

  2. The EU has a carbon tax...but no reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

  3. 1:01 PM because it is a tax remember????? They only tax you to take your money, PERIOD!!!!!!

    And what is funny is, how much of a shame this all is, EVERYTHING has carbon in it, the earth and trees need carbon, and anything that dies and rots away, or when you have burnt wood is also carbon... Diamonds are made of carbon... This is how you know certain people with power want to kill us... We need carbon... And what is even more funny is how you stupid people think that carbon is the same as carbon dioxide when it clearly is not...

  4. No more RINOs drain the swamp.

  5. So these prominent Republicans want a carbon tax so payments can be made to the American people.
    What kind of stupid is that? Save me the tax and save me the money.
    Money is like oil, when it goes thru Washington it always leaves a trail and not as much ever comes back from Washington as went there to begin with.

  6. I'm old, but not nearly as old as these guys. There comes a time when your poor judgement should tell you to just shut up in public.

    They have bought in to the myth that carbon dioxide causes a non-existent harmful warming of the earth. Windmills and solar panels do not reduce the use of carbon based fuels anyway, due their intermittent power output.

  7. Look at what these greenie morons have done to Australia. Because the leftie greenies forced thru laws that mandated "Renewable" energy (Windmills) and forced the decommission of traditional power generation the country is facing grid instability and rolling blackouts


    Welcome to you green future where you shiver in the cold and dark.

  8. keep draining the swamp...prominent 'we the people' don't want another way to squeeze money from us...get it??? global warming is a huge JOKE...

  9. Politics is a scam against the American people.

  10. al bore's carbon tax... NO< NO< NO< NO< NO< NO< NO!

  11. call 202-224-3121. and let your opposition be heard.....burn the phones up


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