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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Pretend journalist, Jorge Ramos, says illegals who commit identity theft do so to 'benefit our lives'

Feel free to steal Ramos's identity.

No doubt you remember Jorge Ramos - the perpetually outraged, virtue-signaling, illegal immigration activist who pretends to be a journalist - from that time President Trump had him thrown out of a press conference. After it happened, Ramos enjoyed a few extra minutes of fame, made the anti-Trump media rounds, then faded back to his previous level of mid-range notoriety. Unfortunately, with the illegal immigration issue still front-and-center, Ramos rears his head every so often.

His responses are predictable in the extreme: Illegal immigrants are wonderful. As long as they're non-violent their myriad crimes are no big deal, and the U.S. should have something close to an open-border policy regarding Mexico.

In fact, if Ramos is to be believed, crimes like identity theft (and the falsification of state and federal documents) are completely justifiable. Why? Because they're only committed so that illegals can "benefit our lives."



  1. He is the male version of Pelosi.

  2. It only benefits the lie they are telling. Deport all of them

  3. Tell that to the person who's being audited by the IRS for under reporting income because you stole their identity to benefit your life.


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