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Monday, February 06, 2017

Preschool Teacher Screams In Speech To BLM Protesters: ‘We need to start KILLING people! We need to start KILLING the White House!’

An out of control activist connected to the Black Lives Matter movement equipped herself with a megaphone to spew obscenities in a speech to a group of protesters. The volatile speech spoke of committing acts of violence and ‘killing’ The White House.

The woman is thought to be a Kindergarten teacher, according to her own words. Does anyone else see a problem with this?

At around 1:50 in the video recorded on Sunday, January 29th during an anti-Trump protest in Seattle’s Westlake Park, the nameless woman was shown wearing a coat that had Black Lives Matter written on the back. She went on a rampage describing her plan to rid the world of everything American:

‘And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your f***ing White House, your f***ing presidents, they must go! F*** the White House’.



  1. This is not a good example of who we need or want to be teaching our little children.

  2. TEACHER???? no wonder there are major problems in government schools. good grief, she's mentally ill.

  3. What a great example she sets for children. I bet all black parents are so proud. She needs to be FIRED NOW!


  4. Let me say this. I have been everywhere in the the most trashy places one can imagine and could not handle listening to that nasty subject. It has no business being in society and I would not blink if a sniper placed lots of lead in that turd's cerebral cortex. It would not make me blink or flinch if standing beside such element. Don't recall anything a low as that mouth. And to think such insane pieces of feces walk among us.

  5. She needs to be locked up.

  6. Ma'am, a big THANK YOU and GOOD LUCK with your future endeavors
    Taking orders at MAC-DONALDS!

  7. Did the Secret Service arrest this idiot??

  8. Imagine that, she is a black person. She gets a free pass.

  9. "White people need to "reparate" now. Not just yo time. Give up yo house and yo money to black peoples."

    Guess what reparate isn't even a word, it's a made up ghetto name like "conversate" that black trash like her made up.

  10. Anonymous said...
    This is not a good example of who we need or want to be teaching our little children.

    February 6, 2017 at 8:42 AM

    She ain't teaching my children. That is nothing but a baby sitting job anyway.

  11. If white republicans said this...OMG! The MSM would be lighting up the airwaves.
    Can someone help me recall the protests and outrage when Obama was elected- twice?? My memory must be bad.
    The Clinton News Network is perpetuating the hatred and divisiveness of our country.


  12. Visit, investigate, charge, convict.

    Will need to repeat the process a while before the notion sinks in that there are actual limits to what can be said.

    We'll all be better off to restore a more civil discourse.

  13. I'm assuming this little ass is behind bars at this writing. If not, WHY?


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